Kickin chicken halves


russ olin

TVWBB Platinum Member
Last night the wife brined a whole chicken, don't know what she used for brine:)
This afternoon it was halved and seasoned up guud with Webers Kickin' chicken
In to the cooker along with some cabbage & onions in the small CI
Cooked for a good hour and a half. Turning several times. Grilled direct over Kingsford blue, a little wicked good lump & 2 chunks of cherry wood.

Onto the table (sorry for the blurry pic). but the chicken was kicken' chicken guud. Love the hot bite to it. And the veggies FANTASTIC!
Here is my plate. Wing & chicken quarter. Veggie and some nice pasta. It was a good evening.
Thanks for lookin'.
What a gorgeous cook my friend, remind me to find you if I ever go to Colorado. I will pray you cook something up for me.

