We made Keri's Hog Apple Baked Beans according to the recipe for 4th of July at home. See this post:
We decided to make the full recipe for our first time. We were reluctant, because the recipe calls for
two (!) cans of Bush's baked beans. That's a lot for us. At the time, we figured that we would share half with my mother-in-law. That did not work out, see below.
Copying from my post in the other thread -
How we prepared our version of Keri's Hog Apple Baked Beans:
We used a 12 oz package of Great Value (Walmart) "premium sausage links", KC Masterpiece BBQ sauce, and an Urban Outfitters "Texas" rub that was a gift to us. We used only 1 teaspoon of cayenne, and the next time we will cut down to 1/2 teaspoon. Our cayenne was fresh (dried cayenne from the store, recently purchased) and the beans turned out okay. We ruled out plans to share half with my mother-in-law; it would have been too spicy for her. We cooked the sausage first, then the bacon, and finally the onions and green pepper, which practically floated in the bacon fat. I removed and "drained" the cooked onions and green peppers with a slotted spatula. Some of the bacon fat went along with the onions and peppers into the beans. We could have drained them with a colander or patted them with paper towels, but we assumed that the recipe expected some bacon fat. It was thick, not runny when we first mixed it together, so we baked it with the lid on the pot. The grill thermometer temperature was 325 for 50 minutes with the pot lid on, then a final 10 minutes with the pot lid off.
Our Review:
The beans were very good, but not great. Based on everyone's enthusiastic responses here, we expected something beyond special. It was very good, and we will make it again, with modifications. It was not "knock your socks off" great.
Not to disparage the uniqueness of Keri's recipe, but my partner has been making "Western Beans" for decades. She learned it from her mother and serves it for dinner from time to time. The ingredients are nearly identical. The differences between Keri's recipe and the one my partner makes are:
- "Western Beans" does not include apple pie mix.
- Yes, we understand that this is the secret of Keri's recipe.
- Ground beef instead of pork or sausage.
- No bacon, rub, or cayenne.
- Yes, bacon makes a difference in Keri's recipe. The other spices, well, it depends.
- Everything else in "Western Beans" is the same as Keri's recipe.
What we would change in Keri's Hog Apple Baked Beans, the next time we make them:
- Reduce Sweetness - I would cut down or eliminate the brown sugar. My partner talked about cutting the apple pie filling in half instead.
- Reduce Spicyness - It was very spicy. Good for us, but too spicy to share with my mother-in-law. Our cayenne was newly bought. We cut it from 2 teaspoons to 1 teaspoon, but I would cut it down further to 1/2 teaspoon next time.
- Better meat? - We used breakfast sausage links. It was mentioned in the recipe and easy to find. I cooked them on the griddle before I cooked the bacon.
P.S. Added later, after reading the above text to my partner:
She says that the beans had a delightful "grilled" flavor that is not present in her "Western Beans", which she cooks on the kitchen stove. We think it might be the addition of bacon and bacon grease in Keri's beans. My partner mentioned that she might add a drop or two of liquid smoke when she makes Western Beans the next time.
P.P.S. Just curious, but where is Keri today? She has not visited on this website for several years.