Just got my CBJ


Mike Shook

My wife gave me a CBJ class for my birthday. (Yes, there is a C in there, keep it clean.) Really enjoyed the class and meeting Don Harwell from KCBS. I figure becoming a judge can help me improve my own backyard grub, even if competition Q is in some ways different. I was quite pleased with myself til my daughter pointed out that any weekend I am off at an event is a weekend I am not at home cooking. Can't fight that logic.....
Congratulations Mike !!! Welcome to the Family !!!
Now start getting that book signed !!! :)
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..... and in the spirit of feeding my KCBS addiction, I have my table captain class tomorrow, er today..... SUNDAY. After today's cook, I hope I don't get caught snoring. :-)
Congrats, Mike. Tasting competition bbq spoils you for almost all bbq restaurants and most backyard bbq. I personally enjoyed being a Table Captain more than judging because judge has to taste every item placed in front of him or her. A tTable Captain can select what looks good from the grazing table. Say "Hi" to all my former KCBS Rep colleagues for me on the bbq trail. I haven't judged in a while because I was a Rep. for so many years but I still try to judge at least one contest a year. I've been at it for a little while now. My KCBS judge number is 7572.
Congrats, Mike. Tasting competition bbq spoils you for almost all bbq restaurants and most backyard bbq. I personally enjoyed being a Table Captain more than judging because judge has to taste every item placed in front of him or her. A tTable Captain can select what looks good from the grazing table. Say "Hi" to all my former KCBS Rep colleagues for me on the bbq trail. I haven't judged in a while because I was a Rep. for so many years but I still try to judge at least one contest a year. I've been at it for a little while now. My KCBS judge number is 7572.

That is an impressively LOW KCBS number! Mine is barely held within 5 digits -- 98480....

I haven't judged in over a year -- my wife has COPD and I couldn't risk bringing COVID home. Now that we are both thoroughly shot, my return to the tent is next Sunday 4/18 2 hours away in Maryland. Really looking forward not only to good 'Cue, but also just getting away from the house for a few hours.

(My pork butt is still better than anything I have tasted on the circuit!)
Congratulations Mike! Thanks for the follow-up.

50 contests in 4 years is about the same pace I did to reach MCBJ, but you did it through pandemic times. Sounds like you did more contests per year than I ever did.
Congratulations Mike! Thanks for the follow-up.

50 contests in 4 years is about the same pace I did to reach MCBJ, but you did it through pandemic times. Sounds like you did more contests per year than I ever did.

Chris, since my shoulder surgery I can't play golf, I'm too fat for mountain climbing, and I can't afford a boat for fishing. That leaves gardening, antiquing or barbecue judging on weekends. I had no real choice! LOL.
I just completed the KCBS CBJ Class Saturday.
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I hope you enjoy it as miuch as I do. -You should trust your own instincts, taste, and training, but never forget to ask the table after each round -- "What did you like?" I have never met a judge who is shy or without an opinion, so you'll learn what nuances and peculiarities other folks are picking up on that you may not have. I do this every time. I do not always agree with what I hear, but I find these discussions to be among the best parts of the afternoon!

Keep us posted, and welcome!

