Jalapeno Pretzel Burger



TVWBB Olympian








..... it was good.
I would be all over that burger, Clint! When I first saw the title of the thread, I assumed it would be a burger in a pretzel bun, and as much as I enjoy pretzel buns, I was pleasantly surprised to see pretzel bits incorporated into the burger meat instead. That must have had a cool texture when biting into the burger, with the juicy tenderness of the beef alongside the crunch of the pretzel bits.
I also thought it was going to be a burger on a pretzel bun. That's a great idea to crunch up the pretzels right in the meat, and that's an awesome looking burger!
I can't even begin to guess how good that was. Some serious eats coming from the Clint camp
Clint, just like everyone else I thought you were talking about a pretzel bun. That's a very interesting style of burger and looks delicious. Leave it to you to come up with these interesting cooks, keep it up I like them.:o
Myself.... don't care much for pretzels, however that burger does look bomb. Way to go! The side looks great, too.
You are a grilling machine Clint. Some really great ideas coming off that grill. Pretzels in hamburger meat who'd a thunk it...Well Clint of course.
What a great why to change up a burger. One question Clint, do the pretzels become a bit soggy soaking up the juices or do they stay crunchy?

do the pretzels become a bit soggy soaking up the juices or do they stay crunchy?

It added a slightly noticeable texture - didn't crunch, but definitely knew they were in it. I left it out on the counter mixed up for ~20 minutes plus the ~8 minutes cook time. If I do it again I'll leave more chunks and maybe put the burger on sooner.

I added the pretzels 'cause I thought it might need a little binder to hold it together with the minced jalapeno - I was thinking panko but then I saw pretzels.

I don't believe a binder was necessary, and I was very happy with the jalapenos...and the pretzels too for that matter. Just a little different.

