It all started with a few...


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Relaxing with a few drinks looking at my webers...

We got hungry so got the weber going...

We did chicken legs and seasoned with webers kickin chicken. ( Thanks Jim L)


Then added some corn

Plated with rice and avocado slices..

Tonight's soundtrack was relaxing...I love this kind of music. Very sensual vocals by female artist.

Thanks for looking.
Tony and Maribel.
Tony, Tony, Tony, what are you doing to me man? I just did chicken now you got me hankering for it again.
Looks great.
Please tell me ya finally got Mirabel to eat the chicken off the bone...?! Great looking meal, Tony. One of my favorite times of day: after work, beer in hand, pondering what to make for dinner.
Please tell me ya finally got Mirabel to eat the chicken off the bone...?! Great looking meal, Tony. One of my favorite times of day: after work, beer in hand, pondering what to make for dinner.

Yes... But I must be honest I had to over cook the legs. It was still good.

