Is it ever TOO HOT TO BBQ?

Originally posted by Jim Lampe:
OohYeahPHIL Perrin in Charlotte gots that BSN outdoor kitchen/cookin'/AWESOME/relaxation Center AND he is LOVIN' IT!
Good For You Phil, Wish We ALL Were With You Now!

Imagine if every person on this site brought over a 12 pack of their choice HOW LONG WOULD THE PARTY LAST?
12 beers?

Whew Hoo! Party at Phil's!
Roger that, Dave - thanks - I have twenty-five years worth of the Southern Living annual recipe books - I'll scope it out!

BTW, around 2200 last night, we had one hellacious storm blow through here, and according to my rain gauge, it dumped a half-inch of much needed rain; temps are only going up to 90 F today and through the week.....Hallelujah!


Lucky you, Rooster. We need the rain. We've got a 30% for today and a 50% for tomorrow.

I'm taking the family down to southern Mississippi to escape the heat that it'll probably be cooler down there, huh? We have a family reunion and I'll be cooking with my cousin. I'm taking the little wsm for options, probably to cook butts overnight with, but his wife's uncle is loaning us his big offset so we'll probably cook some chicken and ribs on it. Have a good week!
Originally posted by Dave Russell:
Lucky you, Rooster. We need the rain. We've got a 30% for today and a 50% for tomorrow.

I'm taking the family down to southern Mississippi to escape the heat that it'll probably be cooler down there, huh? We have a family reunion and I'll be cooking with my cousin. I'm taking the little wsm for options, probably to cook butts overnight with, but his wife's uncle is loaning us his big offset so we'll probably cook some chicken and ribs on it. Have a good week!

Don't know 'bout y'all central Tennessee-ers, but we westerners are supposed to get dumped on 'roundabout 3 p.m.
It sprinkled a bit earlier, but not enough to cover the dust.

It's only 88 in the shade now, so maybe it won't make 98 like it has the last two days. Hope ya'll get some rain. I'm grillin' some burgers tonight and maybe I can keep the sweat off 'em.
Originally posted by Dave Russell:
It sprinkled a bit earlier, but not enough to cover the dust.

It's only 88 in the shade now, so maybe it won't make 98 like it has the last two days. Hope ya'll get some rain. I'm grillin' some burgers tonight and maybe I can keep the sweat off 'em.

Yep. My poor AC can't keep up with the heat. :|

On topic: If the weather isn't threatening destruction or personal injury - I'll smoke or grill. One summer when I lived on Okinawa, we had seven typhoons blow through. I grilled during three of 'em.
Originally posted by CullenJ:
One summer when I lived on Okinawa, we had seven typhoons blow through.
I was stationed in Okinawa. Only had 1 typhoon come through. Having grown up in New Orleans, it was no big deal.

Having spent last summer in Kuwait, where 120º is common, 90º~100º now seem down right cool.
Which branch, Travis?

I tell you, the wet/dry heat thing works up until about 100 degrees. After that - hot is hot.

I missed the Kuwait sandbox, but did some time in Afghanistan. Never got hot like Iraq/Kuwait though. Hottest place I've been is Thailand. **** on Earth.
We got about a inch and half a rain yesterday and cooled things off thank god ! YES IMO it can get to hot to GRILL Q for that matter it can get to hot to move here . With us thou its more the humidity than heat 90 with 80% humidity is a bear .

Only a pleasant 85 today so I am doing some porter house tonight ! had some chicken brat things from Sams Club for lunch very tasty
Jim/Dave,I'm sure sweet Pammi Sue will be excited to learn that the whole forums coming to party in Shuffletown! Yeah,that's it!
It ain't the heat, it's the humility!
Yeah, it's been brutal even up here in hills of northern Jersey. We don't have a/c, so usually it isn't a problem; most summers only have a half dozen days into the 90's. But this summer... Today is was barely 80. My son and I worked on the new retaining wall. I see the forecast is for a couple warm days, then low 80's all week. Sweet. Even getting into the 50's tonight. Great sleepin' weather!
I feel your pain. When it get into the 90's, it's cold-sandwich time with some of Milwaukee's finest or an ice-cold lemonade.

I know this sounds crazy, but I'll take -30 in the Winter over triple-digits in the Summer!

But hey - you guys with the Heat. It could be worse; you could be getting two months worth of rain in two hours, like we did a few days ago. We had 2-1/2 feet of water in our street, and the water-line was workin' its way up my front lawn. Fortunately, it stopped before it got to my basement. (Thanks to the neighborhood "brigade", who got out shovels & went wading with to un-clog the storm sewer grates. We called ourselves the "Wauwatosa Beach Club".)

No way to keep the fires lit during THAT deluge...
I know this sounds crazy, but I'll take -30 in the Winter over triple-digits in the Summer!

That ain't crazy at all, Ron - it's a whole lot easier for me to get get comfortable by lighting a fire (those vent-free, natural gas Peterson logs are a Godsend, BTW - I shy away from "roughing it" as much as possible) and put on a sweatshirt and heavy socks, than it is to strip down and mosey around the old homestead nekkid; I find that the neighbors are much more appreciative of the former as well.....glad to hear you were spared from what could have been a catastrophe!


It's never to hot to bbq, grill, however you're cooking your meat! Recently up here in the Northeast we had a heatwave that it was 105 without the heat index...I was out on my deck grilling chicken and steak! Sure it was hot but the heck with exercise I probably lost double the weight in sweat than what I ate
Ron,I hear what you are saying! Growing up in Maine,I got real used to those cold honking winters. Now that I'm pushing 50,the heat and humidity of NC kick my behind on a regular basis. As I tell my customers,when it's cold out,you can dress warmer and work a little harder,and you'll get warm. In the summer,you can't sit around naked and do nothing. You're still miserably hot!
Not if you've got enough cold beer. I'll cook in 100 degree weather all the time. I grew-up in Salt Lake City and had cold winters with snow, I'll take Qing a few hot days in the summer anytime over Qing in the cold and snow.

Ed C. and I are qing this weekend and the forecast is 97, perfect for downing a few Miller Lites
If you have a shade structure, it's never too hot to BBQ. At least when we had the pool we could always just jump in and get cooled off before continuing to burn some meat.
Originally posted by Gary H. NJ:
It ain't the heat, it's the humility!
Gary, my Busia (pronounced: BOO-shah), passed away 40+ years ago (age of 82), used to say that. "Jimmy, it ain't hot... it's the danm humidity! Stop your bellyachin'!"


...and i stopped... and now i LOVE the heat AND the HUMIDITY!!
The only time it's to hot to BBQ or Grill is when you been working all day in 105+heat, But i still manage to pull it off,Can't wait till the back yard is done so i don't have to BBQ or Grill IN THE SUN ANYMORE.

