I'm Off


Bill Schultz

TVWBB Hall of Fame
So, on March 10th I turned the big 60. Our gift to the CEO and myself was our first cruise. The western Caribbean for seven days. Honduras, Belize and two places in Mexico. Going to take some good pics and enjoy myself, so you guys take care and I will see you in a week or so. A'Dios
Bill - If you stop at Cozumel I highly recommend the America's Cup Yacht shore excursion. We did this on our last cruise and my wife and I really loved it. We crewed the Stars & Stripes.

I'm going to be forced to take off 30 days without pay next year. So the first thing my wife did was book 2 Caribbean cruises back-to-back on different cruise lines (I always tell her I can't afford to take time off for vacation, so she saw this as an opportunity). She managed to get free alcoholic drink packages on each cruise, so it will be a whole new experience for us. Usually I allow each of us one or two drinks a day because the cost adds up so fast. I may not remember a thing from these cruises.

