Rich Dahl R.I.P. 7/21/2024 Jun 12, 2016 #3 I'm waiting for the soy fee, gluten free, organic IPA beer, yea baby!
Phil Perrin TVWBB Hall of Fame Jun 12, 2016 #4 Rich, they do make gluten free and reduced gluten beer! But,I'm with Len. Why?
Bob H. TVWBB Hall of Fame Jun 18, 2016 #7 Don't let Coke or Pepsi hear about this, it could be their next big thing. Or maybe not.....
Chris Allingham Administrator Staff member Jun 25, 2016 #8 If you want to freak-out some more: Looks like it's a growing business segment.
If you want to freak-out some more: Looks like it's a growing business segment.
G George Curtis TVWBB Olympian Jun 25, 2016 #9 If you are really worried about your health you should not be drinking any of that.