Identifying a WSM

recently, i got what i believe is a WSM, for free.
It is missing a charcoal ring and water bowl, so i have ordered a couple replacement parts seen in these forums, in hopes to replace them. however, im curious to know if there are knock off, or other smokers that are known about, that this smoker might actually be? i ordered what i could find on a whim, hoping that it all fits, and dont really foresee it not fitting, but i dont know for sure.
based on what ive found within these forums, i believe it to be one of the original C stamp WSM, obviously because the top vent only has a C stamped on it. There are no other marks on this smoker that tell me anything else, so i can only go off of photo info. there is, as mentioned, the C stamp on the top vent. it does have wood handles, but because its as old as it likely is, if there was a weber logo on the wood handles, its weathered away. the photos that i can find online, seem to match. for example, the alumuminum legs and the front access door, with round knob, rather than the elongated "handle".

anything else that would be a hint that it is, or is not a weber brand?
recently, i got what i believe is a WSM, for free.
It is missing a charcoal ring and water bowl, so i have ordered a couple replacement parts seen in these forums, in hopes to replace them. however, im curious to know if there are knock off, or other smokers that are known about, that this smoker might actually be? i ordered what i could find on a whim, hoping that it all fits, and dont really foresee it not fitting, but i dont know for sure.
based on what ive found within these forums, i believe it to be one of the original C stamp WSM, obviously because the top vent only has a C stamped on it. There are no other marks on this smoker that tell me anything else, so i can only go off of photo info. there is, as mentioned, the C stamp on the top vent. it does have wood handles, but because its as old as it likely is, if there was a weber logo on the wood handles, its weathered away. the photos that i can find online, seem to match. for example, the alumuminum legs and the front access door, with round knob, rather than the elongated "handle".

anything else that would be a hint that it is, or is not a weber brand?
after just now looking, i came to realize that its the EI stamp. not sure why i was thinking it was C.
the handle does have some indented lettering, just as weber would, but i cant make out what it says, even close.20240617_201352.jpg20240617_201341.jpg20240617_201854.jpg20240617_201410.jpg
Looks like one, except for the wooden handle and knob.
Could be that the previous owner replaced them?
EI =1997

Any part should be here.

Note: Prior to 2000 handles were made of wood.
Looks like one, except for the wooden handle and knob.
Could be that the previous owner replaced them?

doing searches online, ive found that the knob is round on previous models, and the handles were wood.

It took me a bit to figure out the knob part, and found that out when i found these message boards. the images that were used as examples showed the round knob. otherwise, i was originally second guessing it, because the majority of what you find is the elongated handle/knob thingie.

weber has been known to use wood handles for the longest time, and from every weber i can ever remember growing up, they have always been wood. i personally couldnt tell you that ive been around a weber that hasnt had a wood handle. most grills just in general, that ive been around, have wood handles, but thats mainly because my family has always grown up not continually upgrading, so we generally use stuff that we have had for years.
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EI =1997

Any part should be here.

Note: Prior to 2000 handles were made of wood.
thx for the parts list link. that definately helps, and gets me to come to the conclusion that its a weber, and not some off brand version.
It's definitely not a knock off.
100% WSM.
Nuice find!
i didnt think so either. there are things that you can usually find that are clear indicators. like shoes, watches, purses. they all have tell tale signs of what is, or what is not real. just the heftiness of the parts led me to think it wasnt.
Well, now that you know it’s a “real one” what will be the first cook?
well, after i get the water bowl and charcoal ring/chamber, which if im lucky, will be by friday, probably ribs and sausage/brats. something on the cheaper end, to get my feet wet (i havent smoked anything before). thats assuming its not storming again. its been raining more than it hasnt, so depends on weather.
the wife really wants brisket, but im not going to experiment with $50, so she will have to wait until im comfortable. eventaully fish as well, but thats just for myself, and need to still research that part.
Try a pork butt, very forgiving lots of fun and not a lot of money. Just for basic information, I don’t use a water pan, I have a terracotta plant saucer wrapped with 2 layers of foil. But, that’s just MY technique, others swear by the water pan, I see it as a lot of work but, I’ll admit I’m a lazy dog!
Try a pork butt, very forgiving lots of fun and not a lot of money. Just for basic information, I don’t use a water pan, I have a terracotta plant saucer wrapped with 2 layers of foil. But, that’s just MY technique, others swear by the water pan, I see it as a lot of work but, I’ll admit I’m a lazy dog!
my philosophy is, use what works first, and then try other things later. i would have just gone without, because i know it can be done, but i want to be able to do it with ways that are foolproof. once i get comfortable with it, i may just go without it, or whatever. i was just going to attempt using a foil pan with water on the lower grill, but decided against it, because if it doesnt work, i dont have anything else to fall back on.
pork butt was another one that i was thinking about. i would hate to have a wasted lower grill with nothing on it. i will probably do one of those as well. i may as well. what will it hurt
To be clear, I’ve NEVER used a water pan, I rarely use both racks unless I’m doing a lot of ribs, I simply don’t need the extra space for my normal group. The most important thing I can tell you is to get a two port thermometer, (1-“pit temp” the other for the meat) I have a pretty basic one and it’s made overnight cooks much easier! That’s really the only extra tool I have found indispensable, there are a zillion jimcracks and gee gaws out there and many people find the, useful, I’m cheap as well as lazy.
The previous owner cut a notch in the lip for probe wires which is perfect for me, some like installing a silicone port in the side, I’m “tool underprivileged” so having that done was just right for me. I can’t rave about how well designed or easy to use the WSM is, once you get used to temp management, birds will sing, rainbows will appear, and your tummy will find the true meaning of happiness.
Have a great time!

