Ideas for a Vegan main course?

I want to invite some friends over for a BBQ, but they're a mixed family: he's an omnivore who loves grilled meat, while his wife is a tolerant vegan (which, in my experience, is pretty rare.) Their teenage daughter is flexible — how she identifies depends upon what's on the menu!

It's no problem figuring out what to make him, but I confess to not knowing much about vegan food; what would be an interesting vegan main dish that I can cook on the grill? (I'm used to doing grilled veggies as side dishes, but I want to make her something special.)

Suggestions for this truly clueless meat eater?
I made Bobby Flays grilled ratatouille a few times and it’s really amazing! I am the last person on earth in the “Eggplant is good” camp but, this was very nice. Have not made it in a long time but, I’m sure it’s YouTube available.

Grilled tomato garlic soup with basil (or not) is a nice first course.
Roma tomatoes (or whatever the best you can get) garlic cloves peeled, quarter the tomatoes (or smaller depending on size and variety) 8-10 cloves of garlic, foil lined rimmed sheet pan, salt pepper drizzle with EVOO pop it on the grill until the tomatoes get a little “Toasty” then, into the blender or Cuisinart and add basil if you wish. Serve hot or cold! All measurements are at the whim of the cook!
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you can do a lot. pasta with roasted veggies, toasted bread rubbed with evoo and fresh garlic served with roasted veggies or a veggie stew, falafel with roasted red pepper humus.

here's a place to inspire your mind:

think vegan cooking as high flavor, fresh ingredients, without animal products. it's pretty simple.
Portobello mushrooms and halloumi cheese both grill well if that is your theme.
I think you are better off removing the gills inside the's been a while but I think if you leave them the shrooms go south pretty quick.

Then make a bacon onion relish but then just say it is onion......the taste will be so good they wouldn't be able to question it.......
I know I’m late to the party but I have been thinking about offering grilled tofu tacos 🌮 to some of our guests.
Shouldn’t be that hard to make.
I keep most of the items required in stock (other than the tofu) and you could always change it up and go the noodle route if you wanted to go a different direction.
My thinking is that seared tofu with a bit of chili crisp on something can’t be half bad.

As a host I try to accommodate everyone and make them comfortable but I do admit I rolled my eyes when my SIL suddenly became a vegan for 2 weeks.
Maybe you could find a farmer’s market near you for inspiration. I know there’s usually several varieties of eggplant and beets other than what’s in the grocery store at our local one. In fact, I might look for uncommon varieties of veggies not found in your local grocery store.
If she is an “OVO Lacto” VEEEEgan, it’s tougher if not the gratin of wild mushrooms would be a good one.
I suppose that’s a touch insensitive, but, if she will do cream and cheese that’s a fabulous recipe!
I like the suggestions of fresh veggies, and pizza!
I know I’m late to the party but I have been thinking about offering grilled tofu tacos 🌮 to some of our guests.
Shouldn’t be that hard to make.
I keep most of the items required in stock (other than the tofu) and you could always change it up and go the noodle route if you wanted to go a different direction.
My thinking is that seared tofu with a bit of chili crisp on something can’t be half bad.

As a host I try to accommodate everyone and make them comfortable but I do admit I rolled my eyes when my SIL suddenly became a vegan for 2 weeks.
try pressed tofu. it's drier and much firmer than any "firm" tofu due to being pressed, thus much of its moisture is out of the tofu. pressed tofu takes on flavor quite easily and has a meat-like texture due to its density.
Yeah, sure it does!😜
there are some days you just don't want to eat or cook meat.

i don't know about your area of the USA but there are some really good vegan meals out here, or just meatless meals. sometimes it just feels good to not eat an animal protein. so these firm pressed tofu cubes are pretty good.

heck, i can make you a hummus with sauteed mushrooms that will fill you up as if you ate a ribeye.
Another vote for portobello mushrooms. I like to marinate with a really good balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Serve over some steamed fresh spinach or on a good brioche bun like a burger.
there are some days you just don't want to eat or cook meat.

i don't know about your area of the USA but there are some really good vegan meals out here, or just meatless meals. sometimes it just feels good to not eat an animal protein. so these firm pressed tofu cubes are pretty good.

heck, i can make you a hummus with sauteed mushrooms that will fill you up as if you ate a ribeye.
Not denying there is fine vegetarian fare out there, I know some fantastic vegetarian cooks! I agree one does not always want a steak, but, somehow, I just have never warmed up to many tofu things. It’s textural more than flavor,
but they're a mixed family: he's an omnivore who loves grilled meat, while his wife is a tolerant vegan (which, in my experience, is pretty rare.)
And you are a tolerant carnivore. :love:

I just love this whole thread - thoughtful replies and great suggestions from folks who have obviously given it some thought - and
not a snarky remark to be found.

I don't personally know any vegans - that I'm aware of, but if I knew one well enough to invite them to my house, I would make every
effort to provide a meal they could enjoy, the same as I do for folks who don't eat pork, or want their steak well done, or want to chase it
around the plate.

This forum is full of folks who are obviously wonderful hosts, and I am so thankful to have access to all the tips and knowledge.
Brenda, you would KNOW if there was a vegan in the mix! I know several, lovely people but, hard to cook for. Vegetarians, piece of cake! But those who are rabid vegans, no dairy, no eggs! That’s a tough row for me to hoe. I have some friends that are vegetarian and some of my dearest friends, cooking for Bill and Marilyn does make me think differently from most guests and it’s always FUN! Wild mushroom pasta has been kind of the “Go To” for more visits than is probably culinarily fun so, this visit might be the Ratatouille or, the mushroom gratin! Both are more show than the work involved but, who will know?

