I will just leave this here

I have several sets of RCP flav bars so I'm good but I definitely don't want to put out bad information. I'm not sure because I haven't had them. Good or bad information is definitely welcome.
I guess I should have left my own review. They are useable of course, but not great. Like I said, for the price I probably shouldn't complain that they don't fit properly.
I appreciate you getting that information out there. People can decide based on facts from people who have owned them like you.
I may have mentioned something about it at the time because I put one set out of the two I bought on my Jack Daniels grill. I either mentioned it in my restoration thread or to someone in private that I wasn't thrilled with the fit of them.
A lot of slop in them side to side so they don't fit in the slots properly like the factory ones do. I was disappointed even though I probably had no right to be for what I paid.
so too short on the long bars ?

edit: Steve, looking to better understand what to look for. I appreciate your comment and I'll unbox and unwrap to check before the return window expires.
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I may have mentioned something about it at the time because I put one set out of the two I bought on my Jack Daniels grill. I either mentioned it in my restoration thread or to someone in private that I wasn't thrilled with the fit of them.
Steve I remember you talking about it and even possibly showing pics. I remember talking about it with you either in private or public. I was mistaken, I honestly thought it was a different brand.
I'd say you are being over critical of a FULL set of 13 bars for $10......
I think I'll pull the trigger on this one.
Hell.... I spent that much on 3 bars for my Spirit two burner..... and thought THAT was a good deal.
I'd say you are being over critical of a FULL set of 13 bars for $10......
I think I'll pull the trigger on this one.
Hell.... I spent that much on 3 bars for my Spirit two burner..... and thought THAT was a good deal.
No Jim, I don't think I'm being over critical for pointing out that they are not the same dimensions as the factory ones. For $10 they are a good deal if you don't expect too much, which is what I said more than once.
Steve I appreciate the info
Yeah, they should be ok. At least they aren't too short, which is a big problem. The other complaint I've seen on some of those cheapo bars is that they are too tall and the top row won't set into the box properly. These at least have neither one of these problems. I still have a brand new set of these from when I bought them last year that I intend to use on my next restoration.
It's always better to have more information in making these decisions. I wouldn't want them on a keeper. Although these flavorizers may be a bit off, they'll be used for donate and flip grills. Shiny SS flavorizers always makes an older grill look fresh. I ordered two sets for $20.12 shipped with tax.

