I would have thought there would be more risk with charcoal!Oh, to be in New England!
I am watching a slightly newer one, with the more modern hood and handle being the only real difference. Price has dropped from $200 to $175. Might drop more, but I don't think free will be a price!
That ad is funny, because the owner of the AirBNB here in Indiana where we stayed for several weeks made the same swap with me. She gave me a Genesis Silver B for a Charbroil red kettle. She said that guests would just leave gas running and didn't care. She figured charcoal would make them have to be more serious.
I wasn't sure I really got that, either, but she was very kind to us when we were "homeless" after selling our place in Florida and being defaulted on by an outrageous seller ONE DAY before we were supposed to close on our house in Indiana. We stayed at her place way out in the country for weeks, and she even let us stay while she was gone on vacation because she trusted us. So, I was happy to get her what she was wanting.I would have thought there would be more risk with charcoal!
Yeah, but the burn rate is limited to how much coal you put in --- its easy to drain a tank over night if you leave a gasser on..... Constantly refilling tanks as an owner/operator sucks --- my brother had four rental cabins in MN and had this problem constantly.Much more likely to burn the house down with carelessly handled charcoal cooker IMO
And inexperienced people that don't realize that it can take hours for coals to completely extinguish.I still think in the hands of a nut job a coal burner is more dangerous to the property
Figures! I'm up in VT for the eclipse and this shows up next town over from me.View attachment 88943Log into Facebook
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Where are you in VT, we are at Apple Island camping.Figures! I'm up in VT for the eclipse and this shows up next town over from me.