I wasn't going to be That Guy


Brad Olson

TVWBB Diamond Member
Earlier this afternoon I figured I could knock out some mowing, but I needed gas so I put the cans in the truck and headed out to fill them and swing by the store for some milk. Took care of the errands and got home a little before 4, and when I got out of the truck I immediately noticed how quiet it was. No lawnmowers, no farm equipment, no bellowing cattle, traffic on the roads was almost non-existent.

It would've been nice to get some of the yard cut but I wasn't going to break up the peace and quiet!
Earlier this afternoon I figured I could knock out some mowing, but I needed gas so I put the cans in the truck and headed out to fill them and swing by the store for some milk. Took care of the errands and got home a little before 4, and when I got out of the truck I immediately noticed how quiet it was. No lawnmowers, no farm equipment, no bellowing cattle, traffic on the roads was almost non-existent.

It would've been nice to get some of the yard cut but I wasn't going to break up the peace and quiet!
Glad to hear that you are not one of those guys who just has to be mowing at dark thirty AM with a noisy muffler.
Sounds like you speak from personal experience, Bob.;)

None of my mowers have lights so I never start that early, and I won't mow before 8:30 AM. Going until dusk is OK for Mon-Sat but Sunday night after supper is quiet time, and today it just so happened that quiet time came a bit early.
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Lawnmowers, motorcycles, 3 dogs next door barking, real long trains going by, airplanes landing a few miles away, 1/2 block away main east/west highway, police sirens, oh, and twice a week, real early in the AM, garbage trucks.......etc. I'm sure I have forgotten some.
I forgot the TWO neighbors who are having their roofs redone. Some of the workers are still at it after dark. What in the heck can they do in the evening? Remember that guy on TV who used to sing "won't you be my neighbor". I'm singing it here to you guys. lol
Although we live in a housing tract, most of our neighbors are retired. No kids at all on our street so it's pretty quiet all the time.
The exception is our snoring dogs serenade us a few times a day and at night, But I'll take it.
I don't mind noise from children. Love it actually. I'm the old fart on the block who doesn't yell "get off my lawn". Only real annoyance is when the little ones from across the street come play here, my Ring camera keeps telling me "Someone is at your door" so when I see the first indication I simply turn the Ring off and let them play.
I forgot the TWO neighbors who are having their roofs redone. Some of the workers are still at it after dark. What in the heck can they do in the evening? Remember that guy on TV who used to sing "won't you be my neighbor". I'm singing it here to you guys. lol
Everyone around here is having their roofs replaced due to hail damage. Crews even worked over Memorial Day weekend.

Gotta be honest, I do try to keep peace with the neighbors. I do consider evenings to be quiet time, but that's more for their consideration than mine.
Yep, recently next door neighbor was having an outdoor get together. I was just getting ready to cut grass. So, knowing that diesel can be a little "musical" I simply asked them if they were ok with it or did they want me to hold off. They were so happy I took the time to ask. They had no issue with it but were so happy I asked
Everyone around here is having their roofs replaced due to hail damage. Crews even worked over Memorial Day weekend.

Gotta be honest, I do try to keep peace with the neighbors. I do consider evenings to be quiet time, but that's more for their consideration than mine.
I guess our neighbors are having their roofs prepared for hurricane season.
I live on a pretty busy/noisy street so most times when lawn maintenance is done isn’t important but, we have “That guy” across the street. Every Sunday he spends an hour and a half mowing his lawn(not that bloody big) and follows with almost two solid hours blowing every cut blade from the lawn and sidewalk he starts the mowing at about five so by eight, I’m ready to just go over and “inflate him” with his blower. The funny part really is that he has a really big powerful snowblower and I’ve seen him use it twice in the 30 years we’ve lived here! He usually leaves it untended and impassable for kids. My wife and I suffer from a lot of airborne particulates so, I have used a service for a number of years, so that gets done during the workweek and no one can complain. He comes in and does a beautiful job, mows, trims and blows and he’s gone in under half an hour! I was one of his first clients and we are both proud of the relationship!
Timothy, we must live in the same neighborhood. lol We also have an older gentleman that loves to blow stuff off his lawn onto his neighbors lawn around him. I don't know why they don't stop him. :unsure:
Everyone around here is having their roofs replaced due to hail damage. Crews even worked over Memorial Day weekend.

Gotta be honest, I do try to keep peace with the neighbors. I do consider evenings to be quiet time, but that's more for their consideration than mine.
Just a little side note. Yes, evenings SHOULD be quiet time. Then why in the heck do spammers call in the evening, especially right around dinner time? Thank you, vent over. ;)
Monday is noise day for me. I live in a 55+ community and Monday is mowing day, and I mean all day. One guy does the front, another the back and yet another for the sides. The the trimmer comes around followed by the blower. Takes hours to get my lawn done. Also there is trash day. We have a truck for trash, plastic recycle, cardboard recycle and yard waste as well as special pickups. In addition, the first Monday of every month, they blow the tornedo siren that is nearly in my yard for 5 minutes. At least I can not hear the mowers during that.

