I think this is a good score

Haven't gone through it yet, but looks like a full rotisserie kit, a Ribolator, and 2 new char baskets. Rotisserie looks to have been used one or twice at the most. Ribolator and char baskets look untouched.

By my math that's nearly $350 retail with taxes for $30. Wow. I'm half expecting the motor to not work or something. It was a porch pickup and I didn't want to waste any time before they rethought it. Lol
So, earlier today after picking this up I was running some other errands. In between stops I decided to quickly plug the rotisserie motor into my jump starter inverter in my trunk just to see if the motor works. Even if the motor is kaput, it's still a great deal for what I got. Plug it in, and nothing. Hmmmmm. So, I told myself I would try it at home to make sure.

Had some friends over for dinner and a movie tonight so now that everyone is gone and wife and dogs are in bed, it's time to check this out. I plugged it all in and still nothing. Ugh. So, I did a google search. No real good answers except that the motor just might be broken. One of the forum posts I found someone suggested "hitting it on the side." So, as I'm standing there staring at this motor not working I thought to myself, why not? Hit the side and sure as **** the beast fires up and starts moving. lol So, I'm in business.

I can't wait to fire up this ribolator. Ready to do 4 racks of babybacks on the SS Performer. The timing is perfect as I love making ribs, but just traded out my 22 WSM for a 14 WSM. So, now I can do them on the ribolator. I will properly document with pics and post when I fire it up.
Ribolator = pain in the neck to clean. Be sure to give it a
good coating of cooking spray before use to make life
easier. Great score.

I know the trays are diswasher safe. Was going to put them in the dishwasher after my first use to see what they look like when they come out.
First cook in the books.

I know the trays are diswasher safe. Was going to put them in the dishwasher after my first use to see what they look like when they come out.

So, I forgot to post the after dishwasher pic.


Just a bit of staining, but otherwise came very clean.

