I picked up two Genesis 1000s from

Bbq parts also has stainless rod type grates for 90 bucks. They use the highest quality stainless. Not as heavy as the rcplanebuyer grates (which are the best available ) but they are very good. And about 40 dollars cheaper when factoring in shipping. For a grill you are looking to flip they might be a good option.
Adding $90 to a grill for flipping would seem prohibitive to me. Unless it is some special grill maybe, but a regular Genesis 1000 or Silver B, it would be pretty hard to recoup that kind of investment. At least that is how I see it.
Adding $90 to a grill for flipping would seem prohibitive to me. Unless it is some special grill maybe, but a regular Genesis 1000 or Silver B, it would be pretty hard to recoup that kind of investment. At least that is how I see it.

Those Amazon grates don't half bad at all. I know a lot of comments are made about the space between the bars, and for fish or small items I suppose this could be an issue. But for me, a basic burger, chicken breast, pork chops and steak when I can afford it kind of guy, I don't see any big deal. In fact, one of the things I like so far with my experimenting with GrillGrates is the slightly wider spacing between the bars. Makes a perfect cross-hatch pattern in my opinion.

Having said that, I do also find the pictures of steaks on rc's top drawer stainless grates to also look really good.

I am going to give these Amazon grates a try when I get some grills more of the way through the assembly line:eek:!
Adding $90 to a grill for flipping would seem prohibitive to me. Unless it is some special grill maybe, but a regular Genesis 1000 or Silver B, it would be pretty hard to recoup that kind of investment. At least that is how I see it.

Yeah I can see that. The amazon grates or the stamped bbq parts are probably best for flipping.

I know the bbq parts grates are good quality both the stamped and rod versions. But I would be a little leery of the Amazon grates until someone has used them for several months.
The Amazon grates are exactly the same as Weber's own. I'll lay odds the factory that makes them runs both at the same time. I would not hesitate one little bit to use them on a flipper. My buddy works for a company in Switzerland that makes the equipment that makes those grates. He told me there is HUGE factory there, they work the people nearly until they fall down, then they let them sleep in a dormitory (don't want to waste travel time to work) then they put another 15/16 hour day in. They're allowed home once per week. He sees the products go into boxes. Some say Weber some not. They come down the same machine made the exact same way. Just to different distributors. And even if they're NOT 304SS they won't "peel" or "flake". As long as they're not chrome plated (like the grates on a kettle) they're fine.
To their credit (a little tip of the hat) Weber does seem to have added an extra field bar on the new grills (the Gen II series). Still nowhere near the quality they should be offering for the price range they are in but "better" than what they were doing which was like the Amazon grates and if you order Weber brand SS rod grates for an older Genesis (300 series) the extra wide spacing is what you'll still get anyway and the same material you'll just pay 4x more because of the Weber name on the box. Otherwise same factory, same material. I would not hesitate one second to buy the Amazon ones for a flipper
Thats pretty much the way I see it larry and I have already sent one set out on a flip and have two more sets waiting. One will go on my next grill.

When you can put up an add on CL or FB and state "Brand New Stainless Steel Solid Rod Cooking Grates", it is a big help. The words "BRAND NEW and STAINLESS STEEL" are big eye catchers in an add. If you look at some of the adds on the newer grills, they use the word Stainless Steel as much as they can, even if the only stainless steel part is a screw.
I have some wiggle room as far as spending $ on grates for the next several rehab grills (because they were all free or close to it), so I have "splurged" for Weber 7527s:

I bought 3 sets to get slightly discounted shipping so they came out to $57/set.

I will try the Uniflasy ones eventually.
I would have gone with with the BBQ-Parts stamped stainless grates if going that route. They are made of 304 stainless, which I am sure the Weber ones are not. Plus they are less expensive than weber. But, those should do fine for your flip grills. It is always nice when you get the grills for free. It makes it much easier to eeek out a profit.
Bruce, I sold a grill this weekend w/ those Weber 7527s, and the fact that the ad featured brand new Weber stainless grates seemed to draw a lot of positive attention (the ad had 658 views and multiple people pinged me before the winning buyer showed up with cash from an hour away).
Glad that works good for you Jkim. I think being able to say "BRAND NEW" and "Stainless Steel" are key. I guess both of our solutions work for that. In fact, my last grill was spoken for before I even started it. The guy liked my previous grill but was too late and missed out and I told him I would have another one in a week or so and he said he would take it, and he did.

I am sure people out looking for a good used Weber don't see too many of them all cleaned out down to the bare aluminum with all that shiny bling inside. When they do, they jump.
Bruce, I sold a grill this weekend w/ those Weber 7527s, and the fact that the ad featured brand new Weber stainless grates seemed to draw a lot of positive attention (the ad had 658 views and multiple people pinged me before the winning buyer showed up with cash from an hour away).

Glad that works good for you Jkim. I think being able to say "BRAND NEW" and "Stainless Steel" are key. I guess both of our solutions work for that. In fact, my last grill was spoken for before I even started it. The guy liked my previous grill but was too late and missed out and I told him I would have another one in a week or so and he said he would take it, and he did.

I am sure people out looking for a good used Weber don't see too many of them all cleaned out down to the bare aluminum with all that shiny bling inside. When they do, they jump.

yep. Question is, how can one be sure that the increased attention was due specifically to the mention of "brand new WEBER SS grates" versus "Brand new stainless steel grates" ? I mean, unless everyone contacting you is saying "Oh, those have new WEBER grates ? In that case, I'll be right over", you just don't know.

In my view, there are essentially three types of Webers on CL (and other selling sites). The ones we look for; dirty, in need of parts and some fixing up. next would be grills that are in decent shape and may or may not have been cleaned up. Might have had some parts replaced "recently" or "in the last year or so". Then there are reconditioned, rehabbed, full restorations with new grates, FBs and maybe warming racks and baskets. These are turn key and have nice shiny new bling that many buyers look for.

Most buyers aren't going to know that RC's products are better than Weber's, or that the shiny new grates from Amazon might be slightly inferior to Webers. They are just going to see shiny new grates and FBs.
Could be they are made in the same factory. It would be interesting to see if someone that buys a set could report back on if the steel is magnetic or not? If they are not magnetic they are an unbelievable value. If they are magnetic but still well made they would still be pretty good if they are really solid lesser grade stainless. But they likely wouldn't last decades like the better grade stainless grates do.

If they are identical that is similar to Yeti and Ozark trail cups. See below. I have a friend with a 40 dollar Yeti but it seems identical to and no better than my 8 buck Ozark trail cup. Both are non magnetic high grade stainless and both keep drinks hot or cold for hours. I

Guess what folks. Those stainless steel solid rod grates that I posted a link to are NON-Magnetic. Shocked the heck out of me.
Guess what folks. Those stainless steel solid rod grates that I posted a link to are NON-Magnetic. Shocked the heck out of me.


I think that will push me over on those. At that price for decent quality (maybe the SAME grate factory line as Weber's if I am following Larry) you would be really hard pressed to come up with something better. Hardly something to feel bad about selling with a rehabbed grill. I agree that rc's are the dream ones for personal use, but like some others I am not too sure you can get enough more $ by using them to justify the price. I have, however, bought a couple sets of his flavorizers when there was an eBay deal. I will probably use them in my best restores, but I think pairing them with the Amazon $36 grates would not at all offering an inferior product.

What is your choice for 13 bar and 5 bar flavorizers when you know you are going to flip?
If it is a genny 1000 designed for 13 bars, that is what I put in them. Silver B get the 5 bars.
Again, I go inexpensive route. I just ordered these for my latest grill:


Can I attest to the durability...NO. But I can tell you that I have a set of $13 burner tubes in my Genny 1000 for nearly a year now and they are still working great. I figure these cheaper SS flavorizer bars will last as long or longer than those crappy weber porcelain coated things....

If I was to put Genuine Weber parts in all my grills, I wouldn't make any money on them. And I am not sold that they are any better than most of this aftermarket stuff anyway. Again, it is probably all made at the same factory in china.

