I need a CIS!

I just picked up two Griswold pieces and two more Wagner's at an estate sale. The Griswold's are skillets, and they are in phenomenal condition, I've never seen a surface so smooth. The previous owners really took care of them, and used them a ton. One of the wagner pieces is a huge dutch oven, it's fantastic! These four new pieces brought my total pieces to 12 pieces of cooking equipment, then a few other servers and stuff too. I love each of them equally, like people say about their kids. I've also got a couple large enameled pieces that I used. It's a bit of an obsession now I fear.
Also check the local thrift stores and flea markets. Lots of CI items are donated when people clean out their patents houses so keep an eye on the goodwill, DAV, Salvation Army and other such stores

I agree with all the above mentioned! I have a smaller Wagner in my arsenal of CI and that sucker cooks super! With that being said! Lodge does real good and I have lots of them too! Try your luck at moving sales! It's simply amazing what folks will get rid of! Have of my collection I have picked up from sales like that and all were cheap!

If you can find it

This 5 qt has been a great addition! The lid doubles as a handless skillet!

Happy hunting!

Ya know, I hadn't thought of using bricks to cook with my cast iron. Good idea!
I was just in Bass Pro today. We have one just on the outskirts of Toronto and I could not believe the variety of iron Lodge is offering and it's reasonably priced too. Not compared to yard sales of course. I also saw a CI pan for the centre piece of the heavy duty grill that Weber makes. I did not know they made a special pan for it. I have a CI grill insert and I knew there was a Wok. Last year I bought the 12" fry pan I put in the earlier photo but Weber's CI is pretty nice. $40.00 here.
Tim, collecting cast iron cookware is a hobby of mine.....there is lots of good advise in the above posts.
But, I would like to kick in my 2 cents.....First off, there is nothing "wrong" with modern day Lodge. It will and can serve you well....in fact, I own serveral pieces of modern Lodge, mostly Dutch Ovens. But, it doesn't hold a candle to "vintage" cookware such as Griswold, Wagner, Favorite, Wapak, Vollrath, etc. (Or for that matter, older Lodge). Modern Lodge cast iron is MUCH heavier and more roughly cast than the older said pieces. And as a side note, when it comes to the garbage being put out by Emeril, Bobby Flay, or any other celebs....FORGET IT...made in China CRAP!!!!!! Cheaper? YES....but take your chances with that stuff....it's probably made from a '56 Chevy engine block mixed in with some lead and other questionable materials.
The older stuff is fairly easy to get....your best bet is a flea market....antique malls are an option, but be prepared to pay more, unless you get lucky. Ebay, is of course, another option, but I say forget it....when you tack on shipping, it's hardly worth it, and unless you know what you're buying, you're likely to pay too much. Estate and garage sales are also options, but unless you're hard-core collecting, they're a waste of time and gas.
Go to Wally World and look at Lodge...then go to a flea market and look at older stuff....you'll see the difference I'm talking about...it's worth it!!!
Have fun!
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This weekend I cooked on a Wagner 8 inch CIS that was given to my mother as a wedding present in 1955. It is 57 years old and still cooks great.
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Here is an alterate method.

You will need the iron grates and then get the griddle to go with it.
In the long run you will never go back to the old grates.

Griddle/ Hotplate for CIG 22.5

It occurred to me the other day, that (please don't banish me from the group) I don't have any cast iron skillets. So my question is, where is the best place to look, and what brands should I look for? This is all Jim Lampe's fault. Every time I turn around, he's posting another awesome pic of something simmering in a CIS on one of his grills! Well anyway, the search has begun and any and all help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance, Tim
Ok, So I went to a local thrift store today, and I found a Wagner 10" flat griddle. It looked as if it has been painted, ans some of the (paint) finish had began to wear off. The price for it was $35. My Questions are, If it had been painted, is it ruined, or can it ever be cooked on again? Also, if it is useable, is $35 a fare price? I've read that Wagner is a desirable brand, but I don't want to A) overpay for something, and B) pay top dollar for something that can never be used for other than a decoration.
Thanks, Tim
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Tim, as a general rule, I avoid painted pieces.
Yes, they can be stripped and cleaned, but I would personally never feel safe using it....that's just me.
More than likely, it's not paint, but crusted seasoning, which can easily be removed with oven cleaner.

As for the price....are you talking about a flat long griddle, or a flat round griddle with a handle? I can't help you much without seeing it......a lot depends on the markings on the back, and what style of handle it has to determine value. Pictures would help if you're able to get some.
Also, this website (Wagner and Griswold Society): http://www.wag-society.org/links.php has a tremendous amount of information in the forum section, and is a great resource to get your questions answered by some real pro collectors who know CI much better than me.

Hope this helps.
TIm, it is a flat round griddle with a handle. I have several pics, but cant figure out how to get them from my samsung galaxy to here. any suggestions as to how to upload pics, would greatly help. the markings on the back (beneath the Wagner Ware emblem) say 1109 with (I think) the letter D under the numbers. I hope this helps.
I can't help with the picture uploads...I've never tried it on this site, but I'm sure someone will help you with that.

I'd say from you're description that griddle is a #9 (circa 20's - 60's) valued at $25-$35...so your thrift store has the absolute top value on that one, and I probably wouldn't pay more than $20 tops at a flea market or auction. But, with that said....what you're willing to pay for it makes it what it's worth to you. I've over-paid for a few pieces, but I wanted them and have no regrets. $35 is on the high-side, but if you like it and want it, you're not getting ripped off. It'll out live you and your kids.
If it's painted, forget it...you can find others.
UPDATE...Yesterday, after visiting the thrift stores, I called my mom to pick her brain for some CI knowledge. Unknown to me, she had been storing a 10" skillet from my grandmother for quite some time! "Yours if you want it!" BONUS!!! I went to Wal Mart, and picked up a 6" skillet, but after walking the store for a bit, I put it down and left empty handed. This morning I get a call from my sister and she has....a 6" lodge skillet just sitting in her stove! Seasoned, and ready to go! (Part of a set she got, and now just sitting in her stove!) So, while not complete, my CI inventory has doubled in the last 24 hrs! And even better, part of it has been seasoned in the family for the better part of 90 years!!!
This was a Christmas gift from my Mom last year. Two of my favorite things - cooking and playing guitar.


The next post will be Lampe showing his Les Paul and Strat versions.
If that's a hint for your b'day present,
fergetaboutit! :p

$600 for WI, and $700 for MO.
I found it interesting that the site puts MO in the Great Plains section, could have sworn I was a Midwesterner.:confused:
I saw that website on a different blog the other day....OUCH!!!! Man, it doesn't even include shipping!! Glad I'm not from Texas....that one is $2500 :(
At least they're American made!
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