Ok, so I can't let this thread die!! After my sons youth football game today, I decided to stop by the thrift store to see if I could negotiate the price of the Wagner griddle. I got them down to $25, so out the door I went with my new Wagner CI griddle! So I decided to register on the Griswold/Wagner site to see what I could find out about my new gem. Well...Turns out that the CI that my mother gave me had a funny looking letter(B) or number(8) on the top of the handle. on the underside of the skillet, there was (what appeared to me)to be a Swiss Army cross in the center of a circle...Holy Cow, I've stumbled onto a Giswold!!!! Totaly excited to A) continue to grow my CI family, and B)happen to stumble into some quality pieces along the way!! Thanks guys for all the info and advice, and thanks Tim Y for the link to the wag-society!!