I need a CIS!

Ok, so I can't let this thread die!! After my sons youth football game today, I decided to stop by the thrift store to see if I could negotiate the price of the Wagner griddle. I got them down to $25, so out the door I went with my new Wagner CI griddle! So I decided to register on the Griswold/Wagner site to see what I could find out about my new gem. Well...Turns out that the CI that my mother gave me had a funny looking letter(B) or number(8) on the top of the handle. on the underside of the skillet, there was (what appeared to me)to be a Swiss Army cross in the center of a circle...Holy Cow, I've stumbled onto a Giswold!!!! Totaly excited to A) continue to grow my CI family, and B)happen to stumble into some quality pieces along the way!! Thanks guys for all the info and advice, and thanks Tim Y for the link to the wag-society!!
It occurred to me the other day, that (please don't banish me from the group) I don't have any cast iron skillets. So my question is, where is the best place to look, and what brands should I look for?

Man , I got 5 or 6 in the kitchen cabinet. I wish I could just give you one. I would just look at flea markets or yard sales...you could prob'ly score a nice old one for a buck or two....and the old ones are the best. Good brands and made in the USA . Sears even used to have their own line of skillets
Hey Tim glad you were able to get some good CI, FYI I just bought a new 7 qt. dutch oven by Lodge. Several years and a marriage ago my French sister in law used to make "cipaille" literal pronounciation sea pie. It's a French Canadian dish. Properly done in a cast iron dutch oven. I just got my hands on her recipe mind you you it served 23 people! The French had big families ,anyhew I have reduced the recipe, seasoned the three meats and tomorrow is the big day for me and Lodge! Can't wait.
I am very happy so far with my lodge CI 10.5" skillet I bought new at target. Cooked veggies on the kettle, bacon and sausage on the stove, hashbrowns on the stove, and also some beef hot links on the stove believe it or not. I am hooked on CI!

Glad to hear your turn of good fortune....especially with the "in family" Griswold! Those are the best pieces. That's a #8 on the handle, by the way.....
Get a picture posted here of the bottom and handle, and I could nail down an age of that skillet for you without a problem, if you're interested.....Griswolds are easy to identify for the most part.
Watch out...it sounds like you're getting "castironitis"....the cure of which is more cast iron! I picked up 6 more pieces yesterday at an auction.... 3 griddles (including a HUGE #16 bailed griddle...it barely fits in my oven, but it'll fit nicely on my Weber 22" for some massive stir frying or pizza making), a muffin pan, and a lidded deep chicken pan.....all Griswolds, plus a Favorite Piqua Ware "Puritan", which is one of the old Sears brands Frank mentioned above. All enough to keep me busy restoring them for the next week or two!
Good luck, and happy hunting!
Man reading this thread made me break out my CI skillet, which had a little more gunk than I anticipated and had rusted slightly from a camping season ago. I did some hunting on Google and found a link that helped me kick it back into shape. The link, if you are curious, is http://www.richsoil.com/cast-iron.jsp . I just found the site today and in a few hours my skillet is looking good again;-)

