I might have made a mistake........ (Naga Jolokia chiles)



TVWBB Olympian
I didn't realize these were the hottest peppers in the world...... I thought I might dehydrate them but I'm thinking about tossing them in the trash!

I believe you'd have to send these to a toxic waste dump, not just the land fill.

A friend sent me a bag of those already dried. I was afraid to touch it. I like spicy stuff but I draw the line when there's a legitimate need to have the paramedics on speed dial when you handle the peppers. OTOH, I used to put a ripe habanero in my pasta sauce to make fra diablo. The orange of the pepper blended nicely with the red of the tomatoes. Problem is you'd have to keep a cutting board just for those peppers.

What are you going to do with the dehydrated ones? Please don't say grind them up into powder. You'd need a suction hood and hazmat clothing with HEPA filter mask to make the grinding operation safe for humans.

I suppose dehydrating them on the smoker would be a waste of good smoke.
I actually think they are quite tasty. Hot though.
I would probably fry them with onions and tomatoes and then blend into a hot sauce.
I didn't realize these were the hottest peppers in the world...... I thought I might dehydrate them but I'm thinking about tossing them in the trash!

C'mon Clint. Don't be a wuss :o you can freeze them. I just did that with my scorpions. OR dehydrate them crush 'em and put in a ziplock sandwich bag. I figure about 1/8 to 1/4 tsp in a batch of chili would be about right.

I'd dehydrate them outside (Or under a range hood). Then crush.

Hazmat suit? Gimme a break. Except for the hyperbole, just be careful is all.

NO (injurious) aroma after they're dried. Just put the whole (stems removed before drying them) dried peppers in a Ziploc bag, gently squeeze out the air, seal it and gently crush with your fingers. Not a rolling pin. Easy peasy.

My scorpions ready for the freezer.

For goodness sake don't toss them :)

OR mail them to me ;)
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C'mon Clint. Don't be a wuss :o

There's a few times I remember a burning sensation in places I didn't remember scratching only after handling habs!

I bought a bottle of ghost pepper bbq sauce for wings/bbq a few months ago. I wonder if a pinch of this would go well in that last hab sauce you posted?

I have no idea what to expect from these. I had a friend who grew some years ago but I don't remember trying his, then another friend 10 years ago had a pepper garden and every once in a while a few of us would find ourselves standing around the counter with a tub of sour cream and some milk nearby for just in case. But I'm not sure if I've tried these.
I wonder if a pinch of this would go well in that last hab sauce you posted?
I'm finding that I'm using more sauce now than when I made it (as the heat component is lessening, as to be expected).

How much to Use? Dunno. I figure that between 1/4 and 1/2 tsp of powder is equal to one pepper.

Just remembered: the peppers in the hot sauce were cooked so their heat was muted somewhat. Putting raw ghosts in it now well, be stingy if you do add any.
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Hazmat suit? Gimme a break. Except for the hyperbole, just be careful is all.
Sure, the hazmat suit was hyperbole, but I don't think goggles and an industrial quality mask would be out of the question if you're grinding dried ones. If you don't want a huge surprise in whatever you use them in, you're going to need to get them ground fairly fine. I would be very wary of just crushing them with my hands. You'd end up with whole seeds and some pieces large enough to cause a seriously hot mouth if ingested. I know from experience that grinding dried chiles can send fine powder into the air. I've sent myself into coughing fits more than once when grinding dried chiles, and that was with fairly mild ones. I would suggest being extremely careful with these. Think ahead of time about every step of the process and what might go wrong.
I've gotten hooked on watching The Hot Ones on YouTube. Here's the thread that got me one it,https://tvwbb.com/showthread.php?71585-Hot-Ones-(TV-show).
The host had a couple young ladies on the show and they were eating tortilla chips with Carolina Reaper dust on it.
I've seen this guy put extra sauce on wings that had 550,000 - 2,000,000 Scoville unit hot sauce on them and not flinch. But he really grimaced after he ate that one!
Uh, no thanks!!
That blueberry sauce sounds good! I only eat half a pound of blueberries (if that) per year, but I'll try it..... I get blueberry jam about as often - the taste always seems different than I expect.

I just tried a sliver of this - had to polish off the bottle of Makers Mark (3 oz) before I wanted to try.....at least that's what I told myself :)

I cut off a sliver, then cut it in half, and then quartered that & stuck it on a toothpick. I chewed it up & almost regretted swallowing it :) ...I wandered around for a few, then came back inside & had the rest of the half, & then a minute or <2 I ate the 2nd half. Ghosts aren't so bad (((((be a while before I'll try anything too crazy, I'm sure))))).

I noticed a bit of a piney flavor, might go good with mangoes/pineapple. I think it'll go with the orange & lime juice in that sauce just fine.

Good on you buddy!! It'll be a bit b4 I try my scorpions though (frozen now) but I'll be sure to post. I really like my orange habs. They have a very strong fruity (can't think of a better word to describe it). Somewhat unique flavour though.
Check this out - the BBQ Pit Boys did some hot burgers with cheese sauce!

I thought my first cook might be teriyaki wings with a ghost pepper simmered in water or sauteed in onion before adding to the sauce might be my first cook with them but I could be persuaded. I just got home a couple hours ago (work/family) and have some wings defrosting.

.....also notice the Santa Maria grill/adapter on their performer......kind of cool to see that thing in action.


