I got it!!!!


Chuck Simon

I have always been a big fan of BBQ, but my wife and kids not so much. When I heard that weber was coming out with a 14.5" WSM, I knew I had to have one. I was able to track one down at a local Ace Hardware

My kids seemed to be really excited about it too for some reason. LOL!

If has been pretty cold and snowy in the Chicagoland area. I was pretty hesitant putting the new addition outside with the others, but my wife started complaining about it being in the family room. LOL! Here is a a new family pic.

I cannot wait to fire it up for the first time. I have been reading and watching videos on how to use it correctly. It just so happens that Meijer has pro shoulders on sale for $1.49/lb. I think I am going to have to go pick up a couple of those today. I will be sure to post when I do my first cook. Thanks for looking!
Those kids are gonna love the ribs, chicken, fatties, turkey, brisket, etc, etc, etc that comes off that beauty. Try using a mild smoke wood or no smoke wood and see if the wife might like it better. She may have had someone's "ashtray BBQ" with too much smoke and thinks it's all that way.
Dwain is right easy on the smoke and then you will get your wife hooked.

If my theory works she will ok a 22.5 wsm for bigger cooks. Then she will volunteer you to bbq for family gatherings....
Thanks guys! I cannot wait to use it. My daughter in the picture likes the pulled pork I get from the local BBQ place. I hope she likes mine just as much. I am also hoping convert my wife. I bought some apple wood chunks to start off with. I figure it is a milder flavor than mesquite or hickory.

Tony, that is awesome! Those will be some great memories right there!

I am off of work today. I am going to be running to Barnes and Noble shortly to grab the Weber's Smoke book in a little bit. I will see what other books I can find too. Thanks again everyone!
awesome can't wait to see some pics. I was just in Chicago this morning. I was on my was back from a concert in Moline, and went back through there to visit some family.

Over and out.


The little ones sure do look excited. It's also kind of funny to see how small the 14.5 is beside two children.
Your dog says if the rest of the family doesn't like the bbq, he'll take it.

Congrats on the purchase. With that thing, this website and that book, you just might convert the family!
LOL! Wilson is going to have to fight me first. Thanks a lot guys! I am sure I will be asking a bunch of questions. I went and bought 2 shoulders yesterday. I stuck them in the freezer waiting until hopefully this weekend when I can do my first smoke. My confidence is not up yet, so I am doing more research. I went to pick up the Weber Smoke book yesterday, but the store didn't have it even though it said in their system that they did have it. I called another store and they are holding a copy for me. I will go and pick it up tomorrow during my lunch break at work. I will surely let you know how it goes. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Thanks again guys!
I'm with the kids (great pic) - I'd be excited too if that showed up at my house. Congratulations!

