How to Make a Schwenker

Cool video! Thanks Bob.
And MANY thanks to Jim! I'd rather eat boiled ribs off a lighter fluid started ECB than listen to Jon Anderson!
Pretty cool. I never knew that it had a name, I just figured it's called a "caveman" BBQ :)
My eyes were seeing Schwenker but my mind was reading Schwanker, and I'm thinkin' what the hell has Bob posted now?
All's well that ends well...
There's loads of info out there on Schwenkers...from Wikipedia:

Schwenker is a local term from the German state of Saarland, the Mosel Valley and big parts of Rheinland Pfalz and is used in three ways, all relating to the same grilled meat:[1]

Schwenker or Schwenkbraten is a marinated pork neck steak which originates from the Saarland (known there as Schwenksteak) and is grilled on a Schwenker (2). Normally either a green herb or red paprika marinade is used when preparing Schwenkbraten. Traditionally, Schwenkbraten is made of pork, but turkey variants have also become popular recently. Schwenkbraten are about the size of a hand in length and width and are about 1 cm to 3 cm thick.

A Schwenker is a grill on which the Schwenker steak typically is grilled. The Schwenker consists of a fire bowl (or just the camp fire) and a swinging grill hung from a tripod or in fewer cases from a gallows-like structure. Schwenkers are sometimes created from various handy materials in an impromptu fashion, but “Schwenk-Grills” can be purchased in local supermarkets, and in DIY stores.

A person who operates the Schwenker grill is also called Schwenker or less frequently, Schwenkermeister.

3 years ago I constructed one quickly using some EMT for the poles, lightweight chain, a pulley hung from the apex, and a heavy washer modified as a friction stop to raise and lower the height. Wish I had some pics to attach.

Tried going to the local butcher shop to ask for pork neck. Got a long, long hard stare. Ended up with varying cuts of sliced pork. Marinated in onions and wine overnight.

Luckily had quite a bit of beech in the garage that was a few years old. Harvested from a big limb that came down in a neighbors yard, had been using it for smoke wood.

Only used the grill once, it's been sitting in the corner of the garage since then. Maybe this summer I'll bring it out again.

NPR did a good story (in fact this is why mine was built, a friend forwarded this link to me) some time ago.

Lots of other info out there.

Legalize the Schwenking!


