How about some good music links?

There are several youtube cover bands' channels I subscribe to. Lexington Lab Band, Martin Miller, Leonid & Friends all do exceptional jobs, mainly with 60s, 70s and 80s material. I read recently about Foreigner original lead singer Lou Gramm's opinion (not good) about the state of his old band and and its current singer. I'd seen this cover band on my youtube feed but had never given them a listen. This one came up a couple weeks ago that I hadn't seen anyone try to cover before. Gramm might not like his old band's singer trying to sound just like him, but this band's singer does, and it's kind of what cover bands are all about.
One of my favorite songs from the early '70s, when I had no idea of what the lyrics meant. There are a few a few versions floating around online, but since this one's live:

And now for something completely different. This was a benefit concert at a winery in Sonoma County, CA. And I think these ladies and enjoyed the vino

I remember when this came out.
Amazing that he played every instrument except for the congas.
As he sang in the song " can I play?" Heck yea!

