Hot Summer Steak Night Dinner


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
A couple of weeks ago we picked up four nice prime rib eye steaks at Costco. Pulled a couple over the weekend for our Saturday dinner and grilled them up along with fully loaded twice baked potatoes and some fresh green beans. It was 104 with a pretty good north wind. Presented a few problems but everything worked out well. Wanted to mention that I used some of my Royal Oak All Natural briquettes. I was really impressed with them. They fe denser than KBB and seemed to burn a little longer. They do release a pretty good spray of sparks when poured from the chimney onto the grate. Was careful with that due to the weather. I'm going to dig out my electric starter for days like yesterday. Anyway, on with the cook.

Fiddled around getting the potatoes ready. Safeway always has nice big russets that I prefer so I grabbed a couple there. Grilled until soft.


A little peppered bacon for the potato stuffing.


Scooped 'em out and in addition to the bacon added cream cheese, sour cream, lots of shaved extra sharp cheddar and chives. Re-stuffed and put if fridge until tonight.


Marinated the green beans in OO, cumin, smoked paprika, cayenne and black pepper.


The rest of cook.







Well, that's it for now. Was happy to get in a couple of cooks in spite of the heat and wind. Redding set a record for July 1st yesterday reaching 110. Pretty toasty but I've seen it much hotter. Hope you all had a good weekend and are enjoying the summer. Thanks for looking.
Great looking meal Cliff, That tater got my attention and the green beans. I know Costco's steaks are always good.

Been hot and windy here also. It's so bad all the cities up here have cancelled their firework displays, just to dangerous.

I've tried the RO premium briquets, worked great for grilling but worthless for L&S they wouldn't lite off of each other.
Got two bags of the all natural RO but can't use them until the restrictions are lifted. Don't know if it's just rebagged premium or something new.
Also watching for a sale on RO lump to give that a try.
Well... does that ever look super!!! Great cook! Dunno.... as much as I'd love that perfectly cooked rib eye.... I might love that tater as much or more. Beautiful plate. Am a fool for green beans & those are spot on.
Mighty fine looking dinner you got there Cliff. Looks guud!
Stay cool out there. Its been hot & smoky out here too. 416 is at over 51,000 acres now. Looks like it will burn into the fall if we don't get some rain soon.
Take care!
In three minutes, I’ve gone from wanting a steak to a pork butt to chicken and back to steak! This site is going to kill me!

