Holding temp


Rob Wheeler

New member
I smoked some St. Louis style ribs yesterday for my first smoke on my 18.5 using 3,2,1 method. I did not use any water in the pan and tried the minion method. The temp would get up to 350 then start dropping and would be down to 200 in about an hour. I opened vents completely at about 220 but it didn't matter. When looking at coals it seemed the coals in the middle burnt completely but didn't spread to the outside. I added coals and same thing would happen. By reading previous thread on temp control I think I need to use more charcoal to start with. I used what manual said to start with about 50. What do you guys think?
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First, welcome aboard Rob!

To be clear, did you have only about 50 in the smoker, or dump 50 lit onto a nearly full charcoal ring?
First you need to fill the charcoal ring with briquettes. Then top with the lit coals.

One time I used the tin can Minion method to start a full ring using Stubbs & the lit coals burned straight down - they didn't ignite the ones next to them. So after that.... no tin can Minion for me.
One time I used the tin can Minion method to start a full ring using Stubbs & the lit coals burned straight down - they didn't ignite the ones next to them. So after that.... no tin can Minion for me.
Same thing with me. Never burned to the outside. Now, I use the same 15-20 lit but spread them evenly over the top.

What works is what counts. Try different ways till you get the result that works for you.
reduce the amount of lit and fill that sucker with more unlit. you likely ran out of fuel because it was running too hot at first and you didn't have enough charcoal.

Agree. I don't measure out unlit but to my 15-20 lit, I guess I would have 80-100(?) unlit--maybe 7-8 lb unlit (less than a half bag) to 15-20 lit. Gives me about 5-5.5 hr.
It's better to have too many than not enough. If you close all the vents after your cook, you can always save the used briquettes for the next time (get you a metal can with a lid).
I use the "recycled" coals in the kettles or for short cooks on the WSM.
Rob, also, don't forget to catch the temp on the way up. If it got that hot, you didn't shut down the vents early enough. Overall though, what the others said is true. Start with somewhat a full ring and add maybe 10 fully lit in the center. Keep on smoking!!! :wsm:
Spread a Weber chimney full of unlit (~100) on the charcoal grate. Spread ~20 lit over unlit. You're good for at least 6 hours at 250
I use the tin can minion method, exclusively. Never a failure. I fill the charcoal ring full (around the tin can). Using the 18.5" WSM, I dump 12 lit into the can. I pull the can and immediately assemble the smoker. I use a foiled empty water pan. I catch the heat on the way up. When the temperature hits 200 degrees I close the two rear bottom vents two-thirds. I leave the front vent about 3/4 open. Top vent full open. Adjust accordingly. I do most of my smoking at 275 degrees +or-.

The 14.5" gets a full ring of unlit around the tin can. EIGHT lit coals in the can. The 14.5" is a bit more forgiving and I wait until it gets to 250 degrees before I close down the vents. Adjust accordingly.

I have tried other charcoal but long ago settled on Original Kingsford at sale prices (I have a garage with LOTS of Kingsford;)).

When the food comes off, I immediately shut the smoker down (close all vents). I save all coals for my grills. Any used coal that doesn't fall through the grate gets used on the grill.

Keep on smokin',
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Thanks for the advice everyone. I loaded up the ring mostly full tonight and smoked a chicken at high temp. I had no trouble holding and it turned out great.
I use the tin can minion method, exclusively. Never a failure. I fill the charcoal ring full (around the tin can). Using the 18.5" WSM, I dump 12 lit into the can. I pull the can and immediately assemble the smoker. I use a foiled empty water pan. I catch the heat on the way up. When the temperature hits 200 degrees I close the two rear bottom vents two-thirds. I leave the front vent about 3/4 open. Top vent full open. Adjust accordingly. I do most of my smoking at 275 degrees +or-.


I follow this method to a tee. Been working well for me for the last 15 years.

