Helpful Hints

Leftovers...? what are those LOL.

Seriously, I do plan meals for leftovers, but they are gone after 2 day tops... never have to plan for fridge cleaning... 'cept of i spill something
When you are making up your menu for the week (of course you do that, don't we all? lol), don't forget to set 1 day aside a week for cleaning out your refrigerator.
Yep, and that coincides with garbage day.;)
Yep, that is why Wed. is our day for leftovers. As much as we try to eat everything, there is always something that got overlooked and needs to go in the garbage. :eek:
Yea, it's only the two of us, and we try, but there is only so much you can do.
I vac seal and make care packages for my Son's.
But I hate wasting .
Last week DH did a complete 100% clean out of the fridge. What a surprise when he put back the things we were keeping. Over 1/2 the fridge was EMPTY!!!!!! And everything was so nice and clean. lol What a great way to start off the new year.
Ever do this? Sit in your office chair, bend over to pick something off the floor and have the chair slide out from under you? Yep, that has happened to me. So here is what I did.

I took my wooden back scratcher, put some double sided tape on the curved end and use that to pick up small pieces of paper or whatever.
Last week DH did a complete 100% clean out of the fridge. What a surprise when he put back the things we were keeping. Over 1/2 the fridge was EMPTY!!!!!! And everything was so nice and clean. lol What a great way to start off the new year.
I don't know how this happened, but, this year, the fridge got cleaned out 1 day AFTER garbage pick-up. :eek:

