Help me use my WSM more!

Based on my limited (one rib cook for Smoke Day) experience I think you will like the Gateway rack. If nothing else it will save you a lot of cleanup time. :)

Where did you place your temperature probe inside your WSM in order to monitor the temperature? On the Hanging Rack?
Yes, it was attached to the rack using the clip that came with my Stoker. That clip was made from a standard electrical clip, and opens wide enough to fit into the large rod of the rack.

My GateWay 30 Gallon Hanging Rack arrived today and it fits perfectly on my WSM "Classic" 18.5". I plan to do my first cook of Pork Ribs within the next two(2) weeks.

Larry D. Thanx for posting the Pic(s) which really helps a heap!
Yes, it was attached to the rack using the clip that came with my Stoker. That clip was made from a standard electrical clip, and opens wide enough to fit into the large rod of the rack.


Larry D: Is that a covered Water Pan between the bottom charcoal ring and the hanging meat in your Pic description?

If it is I gather it is to enhance temperature control inside your WSM.
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do you guys always use the pan when hanging? I found the drippings nearly extinguished my coals if I didnt.

I have only used the rack once, and I did use the (empty) water pan as I do on all cooks on the WSM. Other people describe cooking with no pan, and say the drippings falling into the coals give a different flavor to the meat. I may try it that way the next time I cook ribs.
I usually like to give the WSM a quick brush up the day after cooking.
I use a foiled terracotta pizza dish instead of the water-pan. I also use a 10" foil pie pan that sits on top of the pizza dish, which catches 90% of the drippings. really helps with clean up.
Who cleans there WSM after cooking. All I do is dump the water pan. Place it back in and let the coals burn it off. Put the lid on and shut it down. That way there is no pan of water inside to cause corrosion. The heat dives off moisture, and the fat burns off so it doesn't go rancid. My grates are black and I just knock the chunks off with a wire brush next time I go to cook.

I don't get all wrapped up in cleaning. I bought my WSM to cook with, not to look at.

I clean mine every cook since the grill doesn't get the heat treatment of a kettle grill to burn off old food with. It's not that big of a deal since the lower heat of the smoker makes it easier to wash the grills.
I recently got my WSM and am curious why many of you don't use the water pan? What's the advantages and disadvantages of using it? I've only used mine twice, once for a brisket and once for ribs, both times I used the water pan about 1/2 full.

