Hello old friends!!!!! Its been a long while. You trained me so good I am somewhat self sufficient these days



TVWBB All-Star
Hello old friends!!!!! I think about this group a lot as I am tinkering and flippin'. You guys walked me through so many resto techniques that I am up and running with no training wheels. I have been going crazy flippin grills because the company that I worked for 25 years finally sold the business. They retained one of our warehouses for a year so I have been a flippin' machine while looking for a new job. I focus mainly on Genesis 300 front knobs and recently have moved towards the more modern versions for one day turn arounds.
I did come up with a question for the group but " The Google " kind of answered it for me already. That said I am still curious. I dont have the option to hose down anything at my warehouse so all of my prep is done via a spray bottle of Simple Green and steel wool. I use a lot of wire brushes and such as well but no pressure washing or garden hose. What is your method of choice to remove the white oxidation on the outside of the cook box? Some have hardly any at all and some are loaded with aluminum oxidation. In the past if have used a wire wheel but I dont want all of that stuff airborne....I then moved on to just a hand held wire brush but it still kick up some dust and doesnt really get the box to my standards. The Google said to use vinegar or possibly baking soda. What do you guys do???? Let me guess....pressure washer or garden hose after a vinegar spritz?
Is this forum on Facebook? I see other forums pop up but never this one. I feel like I am cheating on my team if I answer someone's question on another forum.


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Jim, I doubt anything is going to clean up the one in your picture to like new. If you come up with something, let us know. I'm thinking that repainting it is the best option. It's funny that you should mention Facebook. I recently joined the Facebook Genesis club to see how that compared to this forum and I was surprised by a few things. #1 was how many people from this forum I recognized there, including the ones that don't use their real names here but have no problem doing so on Facebook. #2 was how many people there were posting up old grills that they were planning on restoring and/or looking for parts for them. I think based on the way that site is set up that this is a far better place for those people to be and maybe they just aren't aware of our far superior site. I'm not bashing the site, but if you are really looking for encouragement and help with an old grill then this is the place to be. It's not even that there aren't people on there that know what they're talking about, I just think the information is better organized and easier found here.
The only reason I am on facebook at all is because I use FB MP to sell my rehabs and find rehab candidates. I am a member of the Genesis group though, but don't spend very much time on it.

I agree that cleaning up that cook box is going to be pretty tough. I have all my rehabs sand blasted, but that probably won't work for you. If you just want to clean that one up, I guess I would start with grill cleaner and some household steel wool. The vinegar might help though, at least with the oxidation. Bottom line though is that is likely going to need repainting to look decent.
The only reason I am on facebook at all is because I use FB MP to sell my rehabs and find rehab candidates. I am a member of the Genesis group though, but don't spend very much time on it.
I'm with you there Bruce, I only joined Facebook so I could use marketplace. I'm not saying to not be on the Genesis club, only that TVWBB is better if you want to actually do a restoration or are looking for parts or advice
Ahhhhhh its good to here from old friends :) ....Just to be clear....I am only talking about the oxidation on the cook box portion not the flaking paint on the hood. Which brings up another question!!!!! What paint are u guys using for Genesis end caps?
Steve......yes sir......no question at all..... and the two sites aren't even close. What I notice over there are just a few people that tinker and the rest are all just average Joe homeowner with a grill question. There is no better place to learn about restoring or repairing your Weber grill then TVWBB. The best part about this group is that it is a community and nobody is chiming in just to bust your chops...everyone is here to help you succeed with your project.
I haven't seen you over there Bruce.......but I totally agree about Marketplace. It was somebody on this forum that told me if I wasn't on MP that I was missing out on a ton of good buys and easy selling. I wish I could thank that person.....I just cant remember who it was.
I think it was @DanHoo that painted his 300 series grill end caps and box with the tried and true Rust-Oleum hi heat ultra and it looked fantastic. I thought it made the grill look way more modern than the gray does. If you're doing these as flips, I think it's the way to go.
Wow....paint em black? Never thought of that. Good thinking Dan! I have been using a grey paint from Home Depot that I mentioned on here a few months back. Still no complaints. I use it for the cabinet....quick touch ups on the prep table end caps....and have even used it on quick cook box touch ups. Its not even a high heat paint but it survived several burn offs and looked a heck of a lot better than what it was covering up. My paint is a lot cheaper than that tractor stuff and readily available. Sorry I dont have a pick handy right now. The color is called something like Black Elegance ironically.......but its grey for sure. If anyone is interested I will take a pic today. A quick nod to Bruce on my latest blue Genesis.......she was a peach!


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I love the Blue Genesis lids, but somehow, it doesn't look so good on the cabinet doors of the E3xx grills. It is my favorite on the silver B's and 1000 grills though. I just finished a Blue head rehab.

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Ha! Yep the blue on the silvers looks like you can put on your bathing suit and jump right in!!!!! Deeeeeeeep blue!!! As usual your rehabs look great! You really get a nice finish with that Ultra on your end caps. I assume it was sand blasted then three light coats of ultra?
I was inspired by DanHoo's "black out" Genesis 300, so I decided to try it out and push it as far as possible to look like the current Genesis. Non-Weber knobs, black cabinetry - including blacking out the chrome edges - and silver table end caps:

Diagonal Front View NEW.jpeg

NEW Genesis Grill.png
I am working on another 300. This time I will just be doing it like DanHoo's as the gray cabinetry only needed some touch ups. Painting all that black and redoing the doors was a time consuming large amount of work.
I was inspired by DanHoo's "black out" Genesis 300

I was passing along what I picked up here. My inspiration was the Red E330 @Dave in KC did pictured below. He also painted the table ends, cart and control panel trim in black. Combined with the red lid and doors it really pops.


More of Dave's

More of mine

Jon and Dan your mods look awesome! Jeez I step back into the forum for a bit and I am humbled by all the pro's! Just when ya think yer' gettin good! :)

Thanks for pulling those threads forward. I had forgotten about Dave's beautiful true red. I am hoping to do a crimson/brick red/whatever sidewinder for a keeper grill. I was thinking along the same lines as what Dave did. I wanted to call mine "The Last Redhead" but I think it is clear that title rightly goes to @Dave in KC.

Since his inspired yours and yours inspired mine, I guess we have a chain of ideas going. I hope I can post a cool sidewinder before season ends. I have to rethink some more about how I want it to look.
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