Hello from Katy, Texas


Mark L.

New member
Hello y'all! I recently purchased a 18.5" WSM based on most of the reviews and a lot of comments on this site. I have had it since last Friday, smoked a whole chicken on Sunday (turned out great). While reading the posts here I noticed a majority of you like pictures. I didn't get any of the first cook, but I remembered to take quite a few of my second cook today. Spare Ribs, yum yum!!!

You have seen it before, but this WSM is mine :)

1 1/2 Rack of Spare ribs on the smoker

Lipton™ Onion Potatoes going into the oven

Ribs removed from the smokers after 30 minute wrapped and rested in cooler

Plated and ready to eat :D Meat slid off the bones, was easier to cut up

One thing, I tried the 3-2-1 method of Rib cooking, IMO, I could have shorten the time, the ribs were slightly dry. Taste was still good. All in all, it went well for my first attempt. Plenty more coming in the future!!

:wsm: KEEP ON SMOKIN' :wsm:
Welcome aboard...
Keep cooking and adjust your temps and times to your liking.
Nice bark!:)

