HeaterMeter v4.0 for RaspberyPi / Standalone

Quick question.

I am having problems with the silk screen on the PCB, I cant tell what the resisters are for the one next to the LEDS and the two next to the Atmega chips pin numbers 2,3,4 and the 7,8,9?

ok, I need some help again. lol

I have it up and running

I cant seem to get it to connect to a network. I have it hooked up to my monitor and I can see the putty openwrt cmd interface only. I tried using a cat5 cable to it, but I think I need a patch cable, and that does not connect. Not sure how to get into the interface to be able to change the network setting to be used on our network. Our network uses the and not the
I connected my hpi to a switch that my desktop was connected to and then removed the connection from the switch to the rest of my network. I then manually set the ip of my desktop to and then opened up a browser window, connected to the hpi through, enabled wireless through the interface, disconnected everything and set my desktop back to original settings. Alternatively you could just connect your computer to the hpi directly with a crossover cable and accomplish the same thing.
Thanks I was able to connect to the interface by manually changing the gateway to the pi's IP and was able to log in.

Now it adds another question As I dont see any wireless tabs or anyway to enable wireless. Im using the http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833315092&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-_-pla-_-NA-_-NA.

And thanks for the help so far

On one of the tabs (I'm not at home to check) for networking you will see your wireless adapter and a button to enable it. Once you do that you join the network as you did on your router build. I'm using the adapter that Bryan listed on the front page which is different from yours so hopefully yours is compatible.
I'm still waiting on delivery of the 3d print case. It should be here this week. I've worked on the design a bit in trying to get the price down and have it now to a point where shapeways quotes it at $44.
I'm still waiting on delivery of the 3d print case. It should be here this week. I've worked on the design a bit in trying to get the price down and have it now to a point where shapeways quotes it at $44.

What did you change to make the price cheaper?
Now it adds another question As I dont see any wireless tabs or anyway to enable wireless. Im using the http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833315092&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-_-pla-_-NA-_-NA.
Yeah there's not wireless drivers for every wifi adapter, only the rtl8192cu. This product probably has a different chipset so there's no wlan interface. If there's no wlan, it doesn't show the wireless page. It also probably needs to be present at boot because that's when it probes and writes /etc/config/wireless. (You can get it to probe after booting too but let's not get technical)
Well I got the Wifi working. It was definately the edimax wifi adapter. I used the 300Mbps wifi adapter by Edimax It does not work. I recieved to Edimax 150Mbps, today and I got the Wifi up and running without problems.
I'm still waiting on delivery of the 3d print case. It should be here this week. I've worked on the design a bit in trying to get the price down and have it now to a point where shapeways quotes it at $44.

Did you case arrive yet? Hopefully it is perfect right out of the box :-)
Got mine up and going (although I haven't put 12V power on it yet).

Under the LinkMeter tab I see:

HeaterMeter Information
Version 20120830B
Serial checksum errors: 7

Does anyone know what the serial checksum errors is about?

Also, none of the LED's are working. If I understand correctly one of them should be active to indicate activity. Is no LED an indication of a operator build mistake, or does this just need to be enabled somewhere?

Edit: I do see a couple of the LED's flash when the unit is powered up, but after that nothing during operation.
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