Bill D aka Willbird
TVWBB Member
So what is the highest current draw that we can control ? IE will a 20cfm Auber fan work OK ?? They say .39a for their controller AND the 20 cfm fan...I doubt the PID used much of that .39a.
From what I see the Auber 20cfm pulls 8W and the control MOSFET in HeaterMeter is good up to 60W. There's a bit of slack needed to account for the Rds(on) of the MOSFET and the lack of a heatsink but I specifically chose that part due to its ability to drive a really high power fan. The question is making sure you have a good enough power supply to be able to kick that fan on and off while not browning out the HeaterMeter / Pi. I've personally driven about 600mA of fans (multiple fans at once) though without seeing any strangeness on the powerlines with the oscilloscope.
I was planning on using the same wal wart that I use with the Auber, the fan from Digikey is back ordered, and or may not be big enough for a 55 gallon drum smoker .
I use this one with my UDS.
Is is overkill, so I wouldn't get anything much bigger. I have to close the intake valve on the smoker to about 1/8" of an inch. If I leave it open (my valve is 1-1/2" the smoker stays too hot and the HM does nothing. This blower will blow all the heat out of the smoker at 250F and blows ashes all over as well. I'm sure it would keep it at 600F easily if you want to do pizzas
I was planning on using the same wal wart that I use with the Auber, the fan from Digikey is back ordered, and or may not be big enough for a 55 gallon drum smoker .
How does one change the port number the pi listens to? I have 2 systems for different smokers, and would like to get to them through a router. I used grep to find the phrase 80, as well as port. My netgear does not allow forwarding port 82 to port a 80 and a different IP (linksys and d-link do).
From the outside. I have an instance where we are doing a demonstration cook in Edmonton, but I also have to coach a playoff football game 2 towns over. I want to keep an eye on things to help the cook team with temps and times. I'll be using my cell router, but as it;s a netgear, it doesn't work with multiple port 80 requests very well.
You can change the web port with:How does one change the port number the pi listens to? I have 2 systems for different smokers, and would like to get to them through a router. I used grep to find the phrase 80, as well as port. My netgear does not allow forwarding port 82 to port a 80 and a different IP (linksys and d-link do).
For those going to a bigger fan... just my 2c. I use a 15.3 CFM fan characterized here:
Beware though: On my "average sized" indirect smoker, running the fan fast with that much CFM made for a hot fire, but it was moving all the hot air out of the smoker so fast that it was hard to make heat! I was simply burning up expensive charcoal. I actually had to set the max fan speed down to like 50 or 60% to get it to build good heat in the cook box.
Just keep in mind, your smoker is X amount of CF, so if my smoker is for instance 15 CF, then running at 100% speed for one minute will replace every bit of hot air volume with air from the atmosphere, so the fire will be in charge of heating 15 CFM of air as well. I could probably do that math to work out how many BTU you'd need to heat 15 CF of air by ~140*F, but since these are made up numbers I won't bother. What is important to take away though, is that more air flow = more fuel for a given temperature in the cook zone, so you want the smallest amount of air flow possible to make for good temperature control over the fire, but it is really easy to over-do it and think you need more air and/or more fuel, when really you are just heating the back yard.
From the outside. I have an instance where we are doing a demonstration cook in Edmonton, but I also have to coach a playoff football game 2 towns over. I want to keep an eye on things to help the cook team with temps and times. I'll be using my cell router, but as it;s a netgear, it doesn't work with multiple port 80 requests very well.
Let's start with this. Are you using the from here? I just flashed that to an SD card and booted it up but have no anomalies and all the web page tabs come up fine. Does the LinkMeter config page have all the values filled in or is it just blank? Does the rest of the website work without the HeaterMeter board attached?I did manage to get it up and running and can access the thing via a browser but when trying to change things on the config page like the probe, fan speed, etc the button at the bottom that is supposed to be there to push to save those settings is nowhere to be found. the text is there but there is no link or anything to click. I have tried the latest version of openWRT and it is even worse with strange anomolies, I cant even get into most of the tabs on it, it just errors out, when I go back to the previous version that was a previous build it works much better but i still cant seem to get it to save anything as far as settings. Do you suppose this is a hardware issue or software? I may try to update the AVR and see if that helps, where exactly can I find that file?