Handles mod. Why?

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UPS should deliver my first WSM sometime this week. Having never before used a bullet smoker, I wonder if someone could explain the advantage(s) of adding handles to the cooker's midsection? Under which circumstances would they come in... um, handy?

To lift the center section off to add briquets, poke the fire, or to be able to put the grate right down on the coals to sear the meat at the end of a cook.
Another one is on high heat cooks, I leave off the middle and top sections and let the coals get rip roaring hot, get my meat and thermos all setup inside the middle section off on the side, then just lift the whole darn thing up and right into place on the bottom section...I'll get 350-400 degrees at the top grate within a minute or two.

But I didn't bother putting the handles on, I just use elbow length welding gloves and there is plenty of "lip" to hold onto.

Like Todd, I set up the meat and thermometers with the middle section set off to the side, but I do this on all cooks. For typical Minion method slow cooks, I have the charcoal arranged with a "hole" for the lit coals, and the chimney fired up sitting in my kettle grill. Once the coals are going good, I just pour them into the WSM, then set the middle section in place and I'm cooking (without the need for trying to place the meat, insert thermometers, etc. above burning coals). Also, if you like to foil your ribs during a cook (3-2-1 method or some variation) I would imagine it would be much simpler to set the whole middle section off to the side while doing so. I once burned up a Stoker probe wire by messing around with the lid off for too long (the fire got too hot and ruined the probe wire). Moving everything off the fire avoids that problem, too.
I appreciate the feedback. My WSM arrived yesterday afternoon. Certainly, with each use I'll be better able to determine which modifications make sense for me.
I added the handles when I first put it together and I'm very glad I did. I use the handles everytime I cook. It makes assembling the cooker much easier and after 14 hours or so if I need to add more fuel I lift the entire top part off and add my coals and go right back to cooking with little effort.

Go to Home Depot and get the replacement garage door handles. They are a perfect fit and actually look pretty good.
Home Depot sells generic garage door handles for about $5 a pair. Sorry, I don't remember the name. The set I got had square holes and lined up perfectly with the bracket holes on the wsm. I'm sure all Home Depots carry the same cheap brand in the St. Louis area.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by wayne patton:
Branon . . . Did you have to drill holes also ?

-wayne </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Nope - no drilling required
I drilled no holes in either the wsm or the handles. they should fit perfectly over the bracket holes. Make sure you place the black spacers for the bolts between the cooker and the handle.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Branon S.:
I drilled no holes in either the wsm or the handles. they should fit perfectly over the bracket holes. Make sure you place the black spacers for the bolts between the cooker and the handle. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Can you post some pics?

Here's 2 pics of the handles I added.



There is one on each side.
When doing the handle mod, do you put the handles 180 degrees to each other (one front side the other back side) or will it work with using the front set of bolts?
Yes, I put them on 180 degrees from each other. I recommend this way. If you put both on one side you could risk damage when lifting it during a cook full of food. You could also put 4 handles on it if you're concerned about how it will look. Of course, it you plan to use any type of eyelet for a probe you may not want the eyelet supporting a handle.

Since there's no drilling involved this is an easy mod to change if you don't like it.
I cant help but think that having the handles mounted horizontally would make it much easier to lift. I understand that this would require drilling but, when I do get around to adding the handles I think it will be worth the extra trouble. I really like the pics of the guy who used weber handles, but I dont quite understand what kind of "brackets" he used. Wouldent a simple screw/washer work? Another thought, dont those metal handles get just as hot as the cooker? Doesent that kind of defeat the purpose of having them? The weber handles would stay cool so you dont have to get out the pot holders or gloves.

You're not using the handles throughout the cook. They make it easy to add or remove the body from the bottom section before and after the cook. I have only had to remove the body during a 14+ hour cooks to add more lit coals. Since the smoker was losing heat the handles were not that hot. Plus if you place the fabric washer between the cooker and the metal handle the heat does not transfer as much.

Why would you want to risk damaging the cooker by drilling holes in it? Don't over think this simple mod. The vertical placement is stronger because of the metal grate brackets they are aligned with.

