Ed P
TVWBB Platinum Member
Bruce, I've got 2 sets of grates (one of them the Weber SS, not solid rod, and the other set the porcelain enamel) sitting in a covered container in the sun since Saturday. Those came off of the last 2 grills I picked up, so you know how caked up they are. A covered container gets hotter and the water doesn't evaporate as quickly. Anyway, I really want to recover the SS grates so I started on those first. I'm using Simple Green Extreme and the gunk just turns to goo but the carbonized stuff takes some scraping. I'm going to bring them into the house and use some Sam's Club GC on them in the sink at some point because my wife likes how clean her sink is with the GC. Just a tip..lye (GC) feels greasy between your fingers and doesn't washEd: That looked very good with the Simple green. If it works that good with grill grates, I wonder how well it would work on CI grates?
away easily. If you get any on your hands, keep rinsing with water until the greasy feeling goes away.
EDIT: I think CI would rust up really quickly, so have the cooking oil handy, and season it right away.