Grilled salmon, zucchini, peppers and pineapple spears.


Dennis - CurlyQ

New member
Grilled salmon Zucchini, peppers and pineapple

The cut salmon fillets at the store looked good, so I decided to do a grilled meal.

Marinated the peppers and zucchini in balsamic vinaigrette. Marinated the salmon in soy sauce, couple tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, brown sugar, and some ginger citrus rub that my butcher makes.

Fired up the G2 E-310 and got it ready. Medium heat for the veggies and pineapple and med/high for the salmon. The salmon was skinless so I used a lodge cast iron griddle that my wife and I received as a wedding present. What an awesome gift.

I used the juice from the pineapple spears package as a glaze when cooking the salmon.

Put the peppers and pineapple on first

Put the salmon and zucchini on when I flipped the pineapple and peppers

Veggies done. Salmon only at 120, so a few more minutes left for those.

Ready to serve

Sloppy plate job

I'm glad I went with the 3-310 instead of the 210. It's usually just me and my wife so I thought the 210 would be big enough. Here I used nearly all the space on the 310 for just the two of us, and there are no leftovers. I've never cooked on an older Genesis. The G2 is my first weber. I have no complaints. It's great.

Our whole family loves salmon (which is rare to get everybody in the same boat!) What a great looking meal.

