Grilled Buckboard Mushroom Cheese Burgers


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
with some roasted potato slices


broke my mandoline slicing these trying to follow this recipe ... anyway, got some sliced onions and 'shrooms goin' too



added prosciutto provolone stuffed cherry peppers


added the burgers: sirloin with minced gaaaaaalic and sriracha then splashed with Worcestershire



as the burgers sizzled, buckboard bacon joined in



time to build these guys up...
sliced havarti cheese topped the burgers,
onions & 'shrooms covered the cheese with the burgers on top of the bacon all on ButterTopBuns
served up a new Leinie's brew, Canoe Paddler


one problem, the cherry peppers should have been on the Weber longer.


other than that, these burgers were pretty good! So big, only one was devoured.
Thanks for stoppin' ...solong!
Thats a really original looking meal Jim, cant think of many things that can top that! Winning the lottery maybe?
I haven't eaten breakfast yet, I'm taking this weekend off, slept in to awake and find this awesome post. I thought I was still dreaming, man Jim that looks so good. Well if I don't do another dang thing this weekend, I'd love to put a nice plate like this for supper, not sure it's going to happen though. Thanks for sharing.
I like the idea of putting sriracha in the burger, i'm sure it added a nice kick. Try adding some to your BBQ sauce, it makes a great chicken wing sauce. Tasty looking burger Jim!
Jim, that's one of the best burgers I think I've ever seen. Not for nothin', but grilling the stuffed cherry peppers is genius. I'm sometimes lucky enough to get mine homemade by friend Nicoletta Mazzone and her sisters (with a name like that you know it's the real deal). The buckboard puts it over the top.
thank you all for those very nice words:)

How's the Canoe compare to?
Tim, The Paddler is a kölsch style lager... it's only availain springtime from what i heard, it's pretty nice...this is from the Leinie's website:
In 1906, the Kolsch-style beer originated from the Cologne region of
Germany as a crisp and light beer to combat the summer heat.
Leinenkugel's® Canoe Paddler™ is our take on the Kolsch-style beer that we
tweaked with a touch of rye. Our spring and summer seasonal has subtle
malt flavors, a clean finish and adventurous quality.
As nice as those burgers look, it is the cherry peppers that have my interest. When you get your replacement mandoline, get 2 so you have a backup.

