Gonna Pick this up tomorrow

SCORE! I found an unused XL on FB Marketplace, looks like a former display model, $170. Single probe model, everything is there from what I can see. I have connected it up to the home LAN and Bluetooth. There have been sooooo many "no burn" days in my area over the past few months due to air quality, I'm looking forward to seeing what a little bit of smoke carefully applied can do. Thanks, @BFletcher! Thanks, @LMichaels!


  • Ninja Woodfire XL.png
    Ninja Woodfire XL.png
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I think the Woodfire/Woodfire XL might be one of the better kept secrets. I know I would never had heard about it if it weren't for the people on this forum. I like our air fryer for ease and convenience and crisping, and this Woodfire design offers the addition of bottom heating + smoke.
I think the Woodfire/Woodfire XL might be one of the better kept secrets. I know I would never had heard about it if it weren't for the people on this forum. I like our air fryer for ease and convenience and crisping, and this Woodfire design offers the addition of bottom heating + smoke.
Can't wait to get another option on the woodfire XL
I posted about the time I saw the original at Costco. Was not sure much would fit.
Shoulder? Brisket?! But it was all inone compact and Costco. This size, and LMICHAEL'S emperical testing...whoa.
The one sold at Costco is the smaller version. I don't know if it has the ability to use a probe(s), and it does not have the "connect" or cold smoke feature but still a very capable little device.
I love the versatility of the XL Pro Connect model
SCORE! I found an unused XL on FB Marketplace, looks like a former display model, $170. Single probe model, everything is there from what I can see. I have connected it up to the home LAN and Bluetooth. There have been sooooo many "no burn" days in my area over the past few months due to air quality, I'm looking forward to seeing what a little bit of smoke carefully applied can do. Thanks, @BFletcher! Thanks, @LMichaels!
Ya know Ed, I think you can simply buy the second probe for it.
Here is one of Tom Horsman's videos of chicken wings. Mine did not turn out quite as nicely as his but, was only my second go after the disastrous marinated ones we tried. Nothing could have saved those.
Ya know Ed, I think you can simply buy the second probe for it.
I have more thermometers than Carter has little liver pills (you are old if you know what I'm talking about!) 😁 so I probably won't buy another probe. I like the slick way the Ninja has of storing the probes with the grill, though.

I'm going to need a cart (dang that sucker is heavy!). I could re-purpose a Genesis Gold frame but my form-follows-function self tells me wood doesn't do well outdoors so I'll probably end up buying a ss cart. It's still very windy out here and the forecast is more wind until Wednesday PM so it might be awhile before I actually get to use it.
It will work with any probe with the proper sized plug is my understanding. Good old Carter's Liver Pills. Yes I am old :D And of course don't forget Done's Pills (not sure if I got the spelling). I can remember the TV ads for them and Geritol. Many of them on the Lawrence Welk Show along with DeSoto commercials. You got a whopper of a decent deal there BTW. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Ok, how about Beeman's Pepsin Chewing Gum? Yep, the Lawrence Welk Show was must-see TV in our household. I had a serious love affair going on with Janet Lennon (only she didn't know about it). Remember that tall slender guy with the deep baritone voice who sang in that "Hope You Had a Happy Time" song ..."Dodge had a good time too!"

Yes, I about fell all over myself on that one, and it was less than 5 miles away. I couldn't find the house number in the dark so I stopped and asked some guys that were watching football in the garage. It's one advantage, being old...people don't see you as a threat and this gentleman helped me find the house. The guy I bought it from even carried it out to the car for me. There are still some good people left in the world!
Oh yeah, fully remember all the Beaman's gums. Blackjack as well. That guy's name was Larry Hooper IIRC. Yeah, the Lennon sisters. I'm currently reading "Confronting the Presidents" from Bill O'Reilly and Martin Duggard. Just finished the Eisenhower chapter. Remember those days fondly. "I Like Ike". Great read BTW.
Pretty cool you were able to nail that thing down. It's deceptively heavy for it's size. Really is built like a little "tank". As noted yesterday. Mine did hotdogs for lunch and then a set of beautiful ribeyes for dinner. Thank heavens they didn't look like that guy's so called "Championship Ribeyes" in that video I posted earlier. I'd have chucked that straight in the trash.
The thing you will need to get used to is how fast it is without needing to fall back on incinerator levels of heat. It's pretty amazing and deceptive.
Good luck and I really hope you enjoy it!
SCORE! I found an unused XL on FB Marketplace, looks like a former display model, $170. Single probe model, everything is there from what I can see. I have connected it up to the home LAN and Bluetooth. There have been sooooo many "no burn" days in my area over the past few months due to air quality, I'm looking forward to seeing what a little bit of smoke carefully applied can do. Thanks, @BFletcher! Thanks, @LMichaels!
Ed... Totally understand regarding no burning during these wind events. For the SCAMD no-burn days, we charcoal users have a friend in AQMD's Rule 445. On page 4, under WOOD-BASED FUEL [ Rule 445 (c) (20) ] states that "For the purpose of this rule, charcoal is not considered a wood-based fuel."


Ed... Totally understand regarding no burning during these wind events. For the SCAMD no-burn days, we charcoal users have a friend in AQMD's Rule 445. On page 4, under WOOD-BASED FUEL [ Rule 445 (c) (20) ] states that "For the purpose of this rule, charcoal is not considered a wood-based fuel."


Thanks for clarifying that, Bob! For those that may be curious, this is what the notice looks like.


There is no enforcement of this...no, the police aren't going to haul anybody away for violating this mandate. I voluntarily subscribed to this, and I am sure there are many people who have no knowledge of its existence.

If you can see smoke, what you are actually seeing are particulates. Anecdotally, it has happened twice so far where a chain of events has prompted the neighbors to call and ask if my house is on fire from the smoke created when starting up a chimney of Ridge briquettes. I have developed a technique to minimize that (I don't have an issue when using Jealous Devil lump, but I have several bags of Ridge that I need to chew through). Any smoke I create always leads to the thought, are my neighbors going to think my house is burning? I appreciate them watching out for me, that's what good neighbors do, so there is absolutely no animosity on my behalf. I thank them for their concern. We have to watch out for each other.
Sounds like overly nosy neighbors to me. Was like the one here a few years ago. Our friends/neighbors 3 doors away were having a birthday party for IIRC his wife's 70th. They had their kids and grandkids over (like me he's got 2 daughters). Anyway it was during the height of all the "hysteria" around the "pandemic". Our illustrious governor decided to lock the state down and tell people to "report" anyone not paying attention to his mandate. So, when he had his 2 daughters over and their kids/families she saw 2 or 3 extra cars in the driveway. And all the kids playing in the backyard. She was out there snapping pictures of the cars and lic plates, sending them to local police, and trying to shame anyone by posting the photos on to apps like Nextdoor with dire warnings about how she was "reporting" them.
The depths of nosiness.
Ed... We had one better than that. During starting up some charcoal briquettes earlier last year, the white smoke filled the air enough that our next door neighbor's family member though she had a kitchen fire. And yes, the Fire engines did show up.... multiple engines !
Ed... Would be interested in your anti-smoke technique !
Ed... We had one better than that. During starting up some charcoal briquettes earlier last year, the white smoke filled the air enough that our next door neighbor's family member though she had a kitchen fire. And yes, the Fire engines did show up.... multiple engines !
Ed... Would be interested in your anti-smoke technique !
My personal theory is that the reason briquettes smoke so bad when starting is due to incomplete combustion ("running rich", like we used to say about cars that produced a lot of soot when warming up). Briqs produce very little smoke when using them in the snake or any other low and slow method because a) you are not trying to light a large quantity at a time and b) there is enough heat available to cause nearly complete combustion.

I have a 2-burner outdoor range, bought from Costco many years ago. I start the chimney with that, and then turn down the flame enough that it burns off all of the smoke while the charcoal catches fire. If I were going to need a full chimney of charcoal, I would start, say, half of it in the chimney and let it burn with enough additional heat from the burner until all of it was well lit or completely lit, then put that in the basket(s) and add new charcoal on top of it.

It's not completely smoke-free, but it minimizes the smoke a great deal.
Ed... Thanks !
Agree with you on the overly rich condition ! Have tried the propane burner trick, but with a full chimney. Somewhat works. Also tried a high-btu weed burner (Harbor Freight 91037) for the WSM. Worked well !
Ed... Thanks !
Agree with you on the overly rich condition ! Have tried the propane burner trick, but with a full chimney. Somewhat works. Also tried a high-btu weed burner (Harbor Freight 91037) for the WSM. Worked well !
When starting, try just a few briqs at first, then add more as they burn. I wish I wouldn't have gone so crazy on the Ridge when it went on clearance.

I used to use the burner from a turkey fryer before we got the range. We have the weed burner, too, but now I use it on weeds when I need a quick knockdown before an incoming storm. That weed burner really goes through the propane in a hurry.

