Giant steak, potato wedges, asparagus



Went into the local butcher shop looking for boneless, skinless chicken breasts for a healthy dinner and found a 2.5lb bone-in ribeye instead. Crap.

Salt, pepper and canola oil followed by a 30 minute rest (should have left it an hour). I always salt my steaks 30 minutes+ before cooking.


3 russets, cut into wedges and rubbed with canola oil.


Big, fat asparagus with oil, salt and pepper.


Seasoning for potatoes: 1t each of salt, pepper, cumin and chili powder.


Potatoes are grilled direct for 2-3 minutes per side and then indirect until done.


Decided to go for the reverse sear. Not really a fan. Next time with a steak this large I'm going to bag it and throw it into the sous vide setup.


Ugly looking steak getting ready for the hot coals.


Finished! Pulled it at 110F internal. Got hungry and lazy.


Wedges tossed in seasoning.


Plated. Sliced the ribeye across the grain and cubed the cap like a brisket point.


All in all, I wasn't happy with the reverse sear. It cooked rather unevenly and there were a lot of medium/well done spots and just a few medium rare spots. Which is even stranger because I was a slave to the thermapen and I pulled it at what I thought was rare.

I wouldn't call it a wasted $28 steak, but I've cooked thinner ribeyes faster and been happier. Next time I see this (and after the angioplasty I assume I will have to have after this dinner) I'm going to sous vide it.
Next time I see this (and after the angioplasty I assume I will have to have after this dinner) I'm going to send it to Lampe, he can eet it
Ok, Gregg! I'll eet it!
Looks fine to me. A chunk of meat that size needs to TGC (Tender Grillin' Care) :D
Looks really good! It´s hard to get a SV resault just using the indirect method...Best thing is to keep the temps really low,and most imortant let the steak rest untill you have internal drops in temp before the sear part. But i think that steak looks great! Dont be so hard on yourself..
The steak looks great, but those taters look killer!

Yeah, I love these...And they're simple:

1. Cut 3 russets into wedges and brush with oil.
2. Grill direct 2-3 minutes per side, then indirect until done (15 minutes)
3. Toss immediately with 1t each salt, pepper, chili powder, cumin.
Great lookin' pics and I love the potato wedges. We do this in oven all the time, now we'll start doing it on the grill.

