Genesis Silver Pickup

Ok cool. I will get some cheap wax then. Nothing better than some "bling" when you want to sell a grill. ;)
Very well so far, although I only have two cooks under my belt (burgers & steak). The burgers charred (grill marks) very well, and, while they didn't have the taste of charcoal fired, they had a very good flavor. Truthfully, they tasted like a burger prepared by a superior mom & pop restaurant. The steaks turned out well, too, with good charring on both sides.

Tomorrow, I'll be grilling marinated chops and chicken wings the day after that.

I might prepare some wood chips and place them in a foil pouch for smoke.

EDIT: One thing about the burgers, they had a filling effect. Even my wife couldn't finish all of hers, as she commented about the same effect. Ordinarily, charcoal fired burgers, while good, leave me feeling somewhat wanting more (I only eat one bun due to diabetes concerns), but the gas fired burgers were entirely different. Strange, I know.

Rusty do you ever try the 100% whole wheat buns for your burgers and dogs? I went to those a couple of years ago. You know they don't raise blood sugar much if at all? Unlike white buns which quickly break down and dramatically raise blood sugar.

I don't know what diabetic concerns you have but you might give it a try.
Ok cool. I will get some cheap wax then. Nothing better than some "bling" when you want to sell a grill. ;)

Might I suggest Meguiar's Cleaner Wax?...

For what it's worth, I used Meguiar's ScratchX, and then I followed up with a dedicated wax. But you don't have to go to that extreme. Just be sure to use a microfiber covered sponge to get a better bite (if need be), and remove the product with a clean microfiber cloth.

My blue porcelain hood sparkles!
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Rusty do you ever try the 100% whole wheat buns for your burgers and dogs? I went to those a couple of years ago. You know they don't raise blood sugar much if at all? Unlike white buns which quickly break down and dramatically raise blood sugar.

I don't know what diabetic concerns you have but you might give it a try.

Good point!

I always read the total carbs on the label minus the fiber content. So far, Walmart's Great Value whole wheat buns come in at 17 net carbs. That is the lowest net carb total I have seen so far in a hamburger bun.
Good point!

I always read the total carbs on the label minus the fiber content. So far, Walmart's Great Value whole wheat buns come in at 17 net carbs. That is the lowest net carb total I have seen so far in a hamburger bun.

Good for you. Cutting out most white breads and added sugar a few years ago made a huge difference in my health. I dropped the 50 lbs I had gained in my 50s and got off the blood pressure and cholesterol meds. All that and I didn't have to give up the grilled meats and vegetables I love.
Rusty do you ever try the 100% whole wheat buns for your burgers and dogs? I went to those a couple of years ago. You know they don't raise blood sugar much if at all? Unlike white buns which quickly break down and dramatically raise blood sugar.

I don't know what diabetic concerns you have but you might give it a try.

The trouble with them is the package they come in tastes better than the product LOL.
Good for you. Cutting out most white breads and added sugar a few years ago made a huge difference in my health. I dropped the 50 lbs I had gained in my 50s and got off the blood pressure and cholesterol meds. All that and I didn't have to give up the grilled meats and vegetables I love.

55 pounds lost for me.

Weber products played a role in that weight loss since we rarely fry foods anymore, and another bonus is a fully stocked freezer. Fried foods were usually tossed after a day or two, and they lost their flavor quickly too. Smoked / grilled foods tend to keep longer, and they do not lose their flavor as quickly either - especially the rubbed / marinated items. Hence, we don't have to restock the freezer as often. Hence, more money for quality meats and seafood. :cool:
The trouble with them is the package they come in tastes better than the product LOL.

Nature's Own whole wheat items are not that bad. White Wheat buns are just a touch higher in carb count, too, so we use them at times.

Course, I'll admit traditional white buns have a great flavor of their own.
Nature's Own whole wheat items are not that bad. White Wheat buns are just a touch higher in carb count, too, so we use them at times.

Course, I'll admit traditional white buns have a great flavor of their own.

Those are the ones I use too. I like them just fine. Their sliced bread is really good too.

Congrats on your weight loss. We grill 4 to 5 days a week and I feel the grill had a hand in my weight loss too.

I'll take weighing what I'm supposed to weigh and the improved health all day every day.
When I flip grills, most of the time, I don't even bother with the warming rack and hanging basket unless they are already in pretty good shape. Most of the grills I pick up don't even have them any more. They tend to be in the way most of the time and people just toss them. The warming rack is worse than the hanging basket in that regard, but they both tend to corrode very quickly and people just don't bother replacing them. They are both about $15 each to replace. Shipping will make them more expensive.
I definitely agree with that, Bruce. It is funny how some people consider something really important and others ditch them. Someone here recently commented how much they like the basket, whereas I have never used one and always felt it was jus a gimmick. I don’t use the warming racks, either, but if I had a stainless one I could possibly see some merit in having a place to put something that was starting to burn. The chrome plated steel is useless others than if you have a brand new one it might look cool for a resale. I doubt you would get your $ out of buying one for that purpose , though.
Jon, I have used both the warming rack and hanging basked. I have old rusted ones that I "attempted" to clean up. They are just servicable, but like you said, it is nice to drop a burger or steak or potato that is done on there that you don't want to cool too much while the rest of the food continues to cook. But, I usually make other arrangements rather than dig out the warming rack or hanging basket. Actually, the hanging basket stays out of the way while cooking on the regular cooking grates so that is nice, but you can only fit certain foods in it, such as a baked potato or ears of corn. Putting a ribeye in there doesn't work out too well. The warming rack is always in my way while cooking. And, like you said, they are all rusty by the end of one cooking season.

I certainly wouldn't consider either of them a deal breaker if I was looking at a grill.

Same here. The warming rack is too low and in the way. The basket only for smaller items. I like the warming rack of the Genesis 300 series more. It is higher and you can put larger stuff on it. But I think there is not a similar one for the older Genesis.
Right Stefan, if they had the raised warming rack for the Silver B's and 1000's, it would be much better, but they probably would still be chrome plated steel and prone to corrosion.
I agree with everybody I had found that lower rack from Riverbend on a closeout when I did my 1000 got it for under 7.00 shipped and it seems to be in the way most of the time so I just did some maintenance on the redhead I really don't think I will bother to put it in again. Leave it in my shop if I need it can grab it. Its just the wife and myself now occasionally the kids so really all we cook on that is meat, chicken or pork tenderloin. I only need the 2 front zones so if I wanted to keep something warm would just throw it in the back with the burner off.
Brian, your solution for keeping food warm in the back with the rear burner off is so simple it is genius. Duh, why hadn't I ever thought of that???
Bruce genius would be an overstatement to say the least I almost never use the back burner only 2 of us most of the time so no need. I only reverse sear my steaks so in that case front off for indirect, 2 and 3 medium to high, get the steaks to 115 inside then high on the back 2 so I can sear them maybe 2 minutes aside gets to medium rare which is where i like mine. Reverse sear only works with thick steaks 1.5 to 2.0 inches otherwise its a waste of time just cook them direct.
I do this all the time Bruce. I will almost always leave a portion of the grill "cold" after a full warm up. Of course on a grill as big as the Wolf its easy. But, even on the Genesis many times I will leave the back burner on low or off as I rarely ever have to fill a grill so if something is getting done a little more (say someone wants a burger more rare) I can move it to the back to stay hot and time the rest of the food to all finish at the same time

