Gelatinous pork butt ooze


Chris Allingham

Staff member
I've seen a lot of stuff over the years, but not everything, and today I saw something I've never seen before.


I injected two boneless pork butts with Slap Yo Daddy mixture of apple juice, apple cider vinegar, sugar, salt, hot sauce, and liquid smoke. This came bulging out the side. It's like jelly, but doesn't wipe off. Saw something similar but smaller on the second butt.

Someone here must know that this is.
I'm thinking it might be lymph - excess fluid that should have been drained by the lymphatic system, such as one exists in a pig. It is similar to plasma. Maybe it happened to collect there?

Found this to start:

Lymph is the fluid that circulates throughout the lymphatic system. The lymph is formed when the interstitial fluid (the fluid which lies in the interstices of all body tissues)[1] is collected through lymph capillaries. It is then transported through lymph vessels to lymph nodes before emptying ultimately into the right or the left subclavian vein, where it mixes back with blood.

Since the lymph is derived from the interstitial fluid, its composition continually changes as the blood and the surrounding cells continually exchange substances with the interstitial fluid. Lymph returns protein and excess interstitial fluid to the circulation. Lymph may pick up bacteria and bring them to lymph nodes where they are destroyed. Metastatic cancer cells can also be transported via lymph. Lymph also transports fats from the digestive system.

And then when that liquid starts to pool, it's an edema. You can look that up via google.

The above is for people. Pigs have a similar lymphatic system so it's quite possible that that is what might have happened.

I don't think it's an issue; just a part of what was once a living creature.
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Definitely interesting, glad I saw this post because if I ever ran into that same issue it might have made me want to pitch the meat.
Well, no. But I think most if not all of us have unknowingly incorporated it in our pulls. Everything I found indicates once cooked/shredded, it's indistinguishable from the rest of the pull.
I'd have to throw the whole thing out. Not popular on here and I know considered waste....but I wouldn't be able to eat it.

Strike that....In-Laws would end up getting a lot of pulled pork.
I probably would throw it away as well. I am kinda picky. I wont cook something if it even smells a little off. Its probably more a psychological thing since its gonna be cooked anyway.....
Just a follow-up. During cooking, it just sort of rendered away. I tried to find the area where I had seen it and it was hard to identify anything unsavory. I just trimmed around the suspect area. Happy with the results. In hindsight, probably should have trimmed it away before cooking.
I wonder if you could take a turkey baster (or your injector syringe) and try to suction it out/off (since it doesn't want to wipe off)....
I would appear to me that one of the muscle fiber bundles (myofibrils) outer coat or sheath has separated from the muscle fibers and accumulated some of your pump solution. The muscle fiber bundles will be held together by clear membranes. If it was "infectious", I would not expect it to be so clear and transparent.

