Geir Widar, Wolgast, Mildo....where are these guys?

Wolgast honored us with his presence 2-3 months or so ago.
I'm guessing he got some bad surströmming and is recovering. :)

Miss all three of them and several others.
Hi boys. I'm fine, and I believe Geir and Daniel too.
I do not have anything to enrich this great forum, so I at this stage in a position lurker. Thank you Dwain and all my friends. Enjoy the summer on the other side of the pond, I'm with you;)
Im here aswell thanks for asking. And i always go thru threads but on my phone,witch im not logged in with. So i dont respond or post. But i guess i have to be better at that in the future. Grilling alot but dont spend the time taking out the camera and "Klick" it. Keep up the good work guys

*edit* Oh and Bob has there ever been any good Surströmming? :confused:
All is forgiven DW. :p
I think several of us have cook, photo, post burn out lately.

Best to you and the family!

I agree Bob, it's about this time of the year I get grilling burn out. With the unpredictable Monsoons it's hard to plan (had 60mph winds and rain yesterday) the forecast was for hot and clear. So with that most of what we do is quick cooks which isn't worth posting.
Glad to hear every body is out and about and doing well.
You pretty well summed it up Bob. I've been doing Q and grilling but nothing worth taking photos of.
That's what I really meant Rolf, I'm still firing up the grills, but unless it's somewhat different to share, I don't do it.
Would not like to know how many pork steak, chuck eye, etc cooks I've posted.
Need to find me some gator or rattler.

