Shakedown Cruise
Well, after thinking about my options I decided the next thing to do was to try out "The Judge" on a preliminary basis. When I posted about getting this thing and my ideas, I said if nothing worked out I would hang my head and sing the song by The Who: "Won't Get Fooled Again!" Well, it HAS worked out so far, so another song from that era came to mind: Jay Ferguson's "Shakedown Cruise."
It was thirty days around the horn
The captain says it's a thirty-five more
The moon looks mean and the crew ain't staying
"There's gonna be some blood" is what they're all saying
It's a shakedown cruise (Shakedown, shakedown cruise)
And I was just another fool (Shakedown, shakedown cruise)
There ain't no easy way out (Shakedown, shakedown cruise)
So, I decided to hook up the propane tank and hit the accelerator and see what she was made of. The Broilmaster burner that I shoehorned into the firebox lit right up. To my surprise, even after an hour-long burn-in the newly installed hood thermometer topped out at a very nice 500 degrees. Internal temps on the grates varied but were mostly in the mid to high 600's. Plenty hot enough to grill and sear, but not at all terrifying. I was especially happy to find that the firebox had no extreme hot spots, particularly where the burner is very close to the firebox metal.
I plan to try another run or two to gain confidence and make sure I don't observe any issues. Then, if everything is OK, maybe I will try to score points with my wife and satisfy my own curiosity by listing it at a fairly high price just to see what happens. I won't give it away. However, in the end, while it really is a cool little grill, if I am going to be constrained to maybe three gas grills

, my Skyline, Platinum and Genesis 1.5 project all would be better choices to have around. We will see...
One concern from my first test, though, is that there was more yellow than blue in the burner flames. This was true at both full throttle as well as turned down low. I did note that it was able to sustain a flame all the way across even at the lowest setting, however. I have read Larry comment more than once to not make such a big deal about yellow "tips," but I am not sure if this qualifies or points to a need for some kind of adjustment:
p.s. I am getting more ceramic tiles to be sure to completely cover the burner. I love Amazon points!
Here is short video clip for those of you who might have recommendations:!AttawcuNb2LsiY8hpfuNzy8YVRZpFA
What is your take, Larry?