Friday turkey nacho/salad cook!


Morgan C.

TVWBB Diamond Member
Ok trying the new site out hope this works since lots has happened since the site went down!

Here we go! I needed my Friday nite weber kick and my wife requested nachos! Started like this!

Meat cooking! Black beans on the back burner with cheese!

Oops I skipped a pic!!! Oh well! Beans and turkey done! Turkey burger simmered in taco seasoning and a bit of beer! (check out the new pot holders my wife made!)

Ok chips, cheese and the rest melting down!

Plated up with kale, onion, tomato and jalepeno ranch!
Here's to hoping u can view this! Lord knows my issues with posting food cooks here!
That looks great. We really don't use beef much anymore since trying turkey for taco meat. It seems to really take the flavor a lot better and is obviously a bit better for you.

