Foil or not?


Gerry Ackerman

New member
I'm sure this has been discussed a bazillion times, but I'm smoking a 7 lb. pork butt and am debating whether to foil it or not. I typically wrap the butt in foil after about 4 hours, but I'm thinking about changing up. It usually helps keep the meat moist. I'm about an hour and a half in. Thoughts one way or another?
Unless I am in a total bind to get things done to meet a serving time, I personally prefer not to foil butts because there is so much fat and connective tissue to render that keeping them moist is never a problem. I do, however, foil them when finished and let them rest in a cooler before pulling.
I usually don't foil because I want all that bark. Foil tends to soften it. Though I may try foiling then unfoiling at a certain point to tighten it up like 3-2-1 ribs.
If cooking 275+ I prefer to foil. I greatly prefer the bark cooking at lower temps with no foiling and how most of the fat gets rendered cooking longer, though.
I have decided to not foil and also to not use water in the bowl either to improve my bark. I have always foiled and always used water until recently and never was satisfied with the bark.
I never foil butts while they're smoking. I've never had them dry out and the bark is always amazing. If timing is an issue, I'll foil in a cooler for a while if company isn't coming for a couple of hours.

Lately, I've been using an empty foiled pan as well........haven't had any issues maintaining 225-250 throughout the cook.

