Flipping has hopefully begun!

Did the buyer really offer you $1 less?

He showed up with four hundred dollar bills and said “How much was it now?” I reminded him that it was five hundred and that I had two more buyers waiting in line. He scrambled around searching his truck and then said he would have to go to the bank. I guess he went to a check cashing place. He said they clipped him and that he was a buck short:confused:...Like I said, $499 was close enough. He was very knowledgeable about TEC and once he saw that it really was a TEC and in good shape, it was sold.
Jon: You got $499 for that silver monster? Very cool. What's next?

I have been working on the large Broilmaster my pastor wants to buy. It has a firebox big enough to swallow a Genesis firebox. It came with a triple set of cast iron grates which aren’t too bad, but I also got an old set of the stainless bars, sight unseen. It was a good idea based on my experience with restoring a set of the smaller stainless grates, but these proved to be in pretty bad shape. No wire brushing or chemicals made a dent on their appearance, and in desperation I worked them over with a grinder using an abrasive wheel. It obviously cut through all the heavily pitted stuff. I am going to need to do some sanding, too, but these will never look the way I wanted them to. The firebox and hood needs more work, and I will have to paint both. With all my problems at home with my mother in law at death’s door, it is hard to say what I will have opportunity to get done.

When I finish the Broilmaster (obviously not a high profit job), I want to start on 1000/1100 Genny. I am trying to choose whether to do a redhead or use my pretty maroon top, or maybe just a classic black hood. I have enough oak slats to do one of these with a wire rack bottom. I did my Skyline slats in dark walnut stain to make the grain black and go with the dark, urban look of that grill. For this next grill I want to try a much lighter stain but one that still looks like oak. All that extra spar urethane treatment sure takes time! I plan to be a little bit high on my opening price if it comes out really nice.

Somewhere in between I am eager to see if I can find redemption and turn that $8 Sunbeam into a cool little pocket rocket!

Stay tuned:o.
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I never thought it that big honestly. I had the largest one they make (with the 3 waterfall grates) and honestly thought it was on the "small" side. Ah well it's not here anymore actually "they're" not here any more. I had 2 of them. A black one and a green Ducks Unlimited one I was going to turn into a housewarming gift for daughter and son in law but gave them my old Genesis 2 (3) instead.
Looks like my Offerup, and I HATE THE AD's!!!!
Say what you will about CL and fbmp, at least they don't
have ad's tricking you.

In addition the posts on 5 Miles, Offerup and similar sites don't expire. If people are too lazy to delete them once the items are sold they will be in there forever.
Like this one: Posted 2 years ago. lol
I don't even bother to post my stuff anymore on these sites. I only use FMB and CL.

Yes, you are definitely right about old lingering ads. That is really annoying:mad:. I made sure I marked mine "Sold" that night, and I also deleted my CL ad which people also don't do.

Where I live, CL is dying out and more of the best things are to be found on OfferUp (and FB Marketplace).
I am pretty good about updating my adds as well and those that don't annoy the heck out of me as well.
It is too bad that some people ruin a good thing for others. On CL, it is pretty much the wild west. There are robo adds that keep popping up every few days. Then, what really ticks me off is those that put a ton of key words in their adds that trigger search hits that typically have nothing to do with the search terms. There is a guy that parts out vehicles supposedly and every day a new vehicle gets highlighted but he has every make and model of vehicle in the adds along with every auto part name that you could think of so any time someone searches for "Mustang", his add is sure to show up even though it is a KIA Serento parts listing.

There is also another guy on my local CL (probably on a lot of area CL's) that posts higher end items like cars or ATV's for prices that are really good, but not so good that you immediately dismiss them. I am sure they are just doing some kind of Email address collection or something. They usually pop up several times over a week or so and then go away for a while.

Then, FB MP has its faults too. First, I hate that it doesn't seem to list search results in any logical order. It doesn't seem like the search results are in chronological order for sure and it doesn't let you know exactly how long the listing has been up. Also, it does mark listings that you already looked at as "Read" or anything. It is just confusing and I have missed several good rehab candidates because of it. I also don't know what the problem is, but if you search for "WEBER" it seems like you might as well just search for "GRILL" because you get every make and style of grill on FB MP.

But, Hey it's free so I won't complain too much. Offer Up and Leto around here are useless.
Re-Flipping...Maybe I should have asked even more!

Well the buyer of my TEC grill who paid me $500 didn’t waste any time re-listing it for $1000!


Hey, if he can make money, too, more power to him. My guess is that it is worth maybe more than the $500 I asked but that he is pushing the envelope for a used grill, infrared or not. It will be interesting to see what happens.
That's one of those deals where you sell a grill snd it after it sells you realize you probably undersold it. Like my skyline only worse.
It will be interesting to see what happens.

Very much so. Hopefully we can learn what does.
I had 2 old 18 WSM's earlier this year. Mid 80's , 1/2 rotted
wooden handles, bowl holes that I patched up with JB Weld, and
sold them as a pair for $150. I felt a little uneasy about asking that
much, and I typically would not sell items in such poor condition. However,
I detailed them out, and they sold within 3 days to a guy. The next week,
he listed them for $250 on CL and FB. They were posted for 2 weeks, then
the ads disappeared. I have no idea what he ended up getting.
Well the buyer of my TEC grill who paid me $500 didn’t waste any time re-listing it for $1000!


Hey, if he can make money, too, more power to him. My guess is that it is worth maybe more than the $500 I asked but that he is pushing the envelope for a used grill, infrared or not. It will be interesting to see what happens.

UPDATE: The guy who bought my TEC grill for $500 a couple months ago only to immediately re-list it for $1,000 is still hawking it on various sale sites. He is down to $750. Maybe I wasn't so far off on my pricing after all!

If it had been priced for 600 you might still be sitting on it today as well

Good point, getting pricing at a fair point is really a point of finesse. Too low, you feel like you work too cheap. Too high and you end up with a museum. This kind of thing I have seen with musical instruments, and fine jewelry. Sometimes you win, sometimes, you lose
I hope he ends up dropping to $450! It would serve him right.
Yeah, I have been told by members on this forum that I am probably pricing my rehab grills a little low. I don't think I've ever had gone more than a week to at the Max without selling a grill that is been advertised. I prefer to get them in-and-out. But every time I saw one real quick, I start to 2nd guess myself.
I think resale prices really vary per market. In our area the grills are commodities. They need to be cheap. I have never seen Summits at local HD or Lowe's. And even the more specialized stores hardly ever carry them. Heck I have not even seen a Genesis II LX in person. It is mainly Weber entry models in our area. Spirit and regular Genesis. And therefore the prices for used grills are lower as well.
Therefore I don't want to price them too high either and like to swap them fast as well. I don't have a way to store them in the dry. And they are not getting any better when sitting outside for too long.
And it took me a while to figure out what people want. I need to change my strategy and focus more on grills with cabinets and SS lids. Buyers here don't care about colored hoods or rust proof open carts. Most of the customers are blinded by the Weber name and the optics. No one really cares about the interior quality. They want bling. Whenever I have a grill with a SS lid I am getting almost instant messages. But for non SS grills no-one really cares. They tend to sit.

