Flanken style short ribs-only one pic.


Jo Torez

TVWBB Super Fan
It's been a long time since I posted, but I'm doing a really quick one. This is a family favorite I do on the gas grill because it's fast.

Flanken style short ribs marinated in bottled mojo sauce for a few hours.
Grilled on high each side for 2-3 minutes for med rare. Anything longer and the meat gets too tough.


Sorry for the one hit wonder. I've had a lot going on this past year.
I love these when maranated in Korean BBQ sauce.
called Kalbi excellant great on a gas or chatcoal grill. Best with white steamed rice and kimchi.
I did some not long ago with a marinade of one whole kiwi peeled, 6T soy sauce, 6t sugar, few drops of fish sauce, couple teaspoons of sesame oil, couple cloves of garlic micro-planed, a couple tablespoons of grated onion, and a couple tablespoons of rice vinegar. I put it all in the blender and then poured it into a gallon bag over the flanken short ribs. I massaged them and flipped them 4-5 times over the next 4 hours. They were melt in your mouth tender cooked all the way through.
Sounds good Jesse T my wife being Korean makes up her own marinade and it is great also can use the same for thin sliced pork or beef .
You are right they just are so tender and soft they melt in your mouth. Sams has them all the time.

