Five ways to upgrade mashed potatoes


Chris Allingham

Staff member
From an article by Justin Chapple on Food & Wine magazine's website.

Five ways to upgrade mashed potatoes

Add mayonnaise
Makes mashed potatoes even creamier. 4 lbs Yukon Gold potatoes, 1.5 sticks unsalted butter, 1.25 cups whole milk, 1 cup mayo, freshly ground white pepper. Rich and creamy...

Add variety
Try sweet potatoes instead of Russet or Yukon Gold.

Add heat
Smoked hot paprika stirred in or sprinkled on top. A favorite hot sauce blended in.

Add crunchiness
Top with crispy bacon bits or crispy fried shallots.

Add root vegetables
Roast parsnips, celery root, or turnips, then puree and add to mashers.
Two-three cloves of garlic (minced) lightly fried (sauteed?) in some of that butter then add it all to the spuds.

Quantity of garlic depends on quantity of spuds/how much you like garlic.
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Two-three cloves of garlic (minced) lightly fried (sauteed?) in some of that butter then add it all to the spuds.

Quantity of garlic depends on quantity of spuds/how much you like garlic.

We throw the garlic in the water w/ the taters when we're boiling 'em. And than add blue cheese at mashing time...
I like to roasted a head of garlic in the oven and squeeze out 4-5 bulbs into the mixture as I mash it up. Add a bunch on white pepper, salt to taste, and you have taters that go great with a grilled steak.
I melt the butter with garlic to infuse the flavor and use sour cream and whole milk. For added flavor i also have added cheese but my favorite is to add some jalapeños to the butter and garlic while it is melting and use that. I am also a fan of red potatoes for my mashed and even purple peruvians if you want to make people wonder what you did to make your potatoes purple :)
I borrowed heavily from a twice baked potato recipe but don't put the mix back into the potato skins and just serve them as very rich mashed potatoes.

softened cream cheese
shredded cheddar cheese
sour cream
a little whipping cream
bacon bits
chives or green onions
Roasted garlic mashed potatoes, I am the "dealer" in the family, just one mention and. I am committed, like the pig at breakfast...
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Leave some skins on or even better smoke a few on the WSM for a few hours till soft than mash em along with the boiled ones.
I love the texture and taste.


