First WSM 22.5 cooking questions



New member
Hey everyone - my WSM is being delivered today and I am already planning my first smoke :wsm::) I have a 11 pound Boston Butt and 2 8 pound Briskets. Does it matter which goes on the lower and upper rack? Also - can someone tell me how long to smoke these 2 cuts?

Thanks !!

They are both whole intact muscle meats, so there's no worries about cross contamination. It just boils down to; do you want brisket fat dripping on your butts or visa versa? Personally, I always do briskets on top. Don't really have a good reason, I just do.
As for time, it will depend on temperature and no two will cook exactly the same. At 250° it should be somewhere around 12 hours, give or take 4 hours:rolleyes: It's done when it's done.
Remember that new WSMs tend to run a little hot for the first few cooks, also put a cheap oven thermo on the grate (or something) to check against your dome thermometer as they are known to be off a bit.
I think Greg is spot on. I also think you better have an Army ready to eat when you're done or have a vacuum sealer on stand by. LOL

I am not sure how experienced you are but here's a bit of friendly advice: when you hit the stall, don't freak out, don't crank up the heat. If you choose to wrap them in foil get the food off the pit and the lid back on quickly so your not fighting high temps the rest of the cook.

Oh and the most important thing: have fun! Even if you make mistakes you'll still eat well!
Do I need to turn the meats over half way? Also - what internal temp should both meats be when finished?

Thanks All !
Hi David,

Welcome to the Family !

For any meats you place in your WSM, there's no need to turn them. At the very most one need move the meat a maximum of 3 times during an entire cook... once to place it in the WSM, once (only if using the foiling method) to foil the meat, and finally to remove the meat from the WSM. There might be times, in the future, where you may want to move the meat an additional time, let's say from the top to the bottom grill, when making room for other meats on the top grill.

Ahhh... internal temperature. Good as an indicator of what is happening but is not an indicator of BBQ tenderness. Only a physical test will tell when tenderness has been reached. And, if you were to take the internal temperature at the point were tenderness is reached, it would differ from cook to cook and from meat to meat.

