First time I made 3-2-1 ribs....was yummy



TVWBB Member

I gave the 3-2-1 ribs a try. Usually I make them 5-0-0.... but ..who cares :-) Some pictures and the video for it - the video is in german but you can turn on the subtitles.






Recipe for the marinade:

Soy sauce half a litre / 16 fl.oz in this case
Garlic...powder, or fresh
Brown sugar about 3-4 tsp
Fresh chilli
Freshly ground black pepper

Glace Sauce:

Ketchup (about half a bottle)
50ml / 1,7fl.oz apple juice
2-3 tablespoons of apple vinegar
Brown sugar (too much sugar makes the glace very sticky)
Garlic powder or fresh garlic
2-3 tablespoons of honey
Freshly ground black pepper
A pinch of salt
A splash of Worchester sauce

You can also add some fresh chilli or chilli powder to add some heat.

Thank's for comments


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Your 4th picture from the top should make anyone who sees it want some of your ribs right away. Very nice ribs!
The ribs look great, and the salad and bread look every bit as good. Nice meal.

I chuckled when I saw that a German was, of course, using some nice mustard to slather his ribs. We tend to use cheap yellow French's mustard for that. Germany may not even allow our inferior product to be sold.
Thanks Enrico..

Thats hard to say...the 3-2-1 are tender and the meat falls from the bone. The 5-0-0 are a bit less tender
but you have to chew a bit more. I think it's a question of how one likes the ribs.

I'm a bit biased, because I don't really like that aluminum foil.... it remembers me on that texas crutch witch
has a bit a sense of cheating.... you know... but at the end of the day, the guests decided how they liked thoses ribs
and they were very pleased.



Great looking ribs. Nice video too!
In your opinion 3+2+1 vs 5+0+0 .... Who wins????
Thank's Chris

this was a cheap one also. They call it Dijon mustard...but it wasn't that expensive.. But you are right ...that would have be done with every kind of mustard, that isn't too hot.

The ribs look great, and the salad and bread look every bit as good. Nice meal.

I chuckled when I saw that a German was, of course, using some nice mustard to slather his ribs. We tend to use cheap yellow French's mustard for that. Germany may not even allow our inferior product to be sold.

