First time Beef Short Ribs



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I was hoping for four hours on the WSM but checking them at the three hour mark suggests I have a long way to go.

Seems like foiling would speed up the process, but foiled beef ribs? Hmmmm

Any thoughts...?

Looking good, so far. I can't decipher your thermometer. You might have to "wing it".
it was 161.6 in the photo and an hour later 170ish

I think this is going to be a six hour cook since I'm at 4 and it's just now starting to pull back from the bone
I'm at 187 with 15 mins to go until the five hour mark. The probe goes in effortlessly I think they're there. It's my first time, so I really won't know until the taste test

having let them go to five hours, I wish I had pulled them at 4.5 hours (at aprox 250 pit) They were really good but maybe a half hour over done

I'm happy for my first time at them

They do look tasty :D It's fun experimenting with new cuts, especially when you can apply knowledge obtained from previous smokes. Experience triumphs again!
I've done them a few times and they are all over the map on cooking times. Yours look great though. Now I tend to brown them and then braise them covered in my DO with a BBQ liquid of some type and I've been very pleased with the results.
Next time ask the butcher to leave the ribs whole. They will come as 3 or 4 bones about 10"-12" long. They seem to cook better whole.
Mmmmmm! Love me some shorties! I like shorties better than "traditional" beef ribs - more meat. The hardest part though, is finding a pack of em that are all roughly the same thickness. The butchers always seem to mix in a few thin duds...
Next time ask the butcher to leave the ribs whole. They will come as 3 or 4 bones about 10"-12" long. They seem to cook better whole.

Agreed. They do look delicious though. Mine usually take somewhere around 6 hours and I have foiled them in the past but prefer not to.

