First time Baby Back Ribs 2-2-1



New member
First time trying the 2-2-1 method for baby back ribs. Temp in the first round was around 250.

After the wrap (2-2), when taking the ribs out of the foil the meat was completely falling off the bone. Had to use a spatula to pick them up and put them back on grill for final round.

Went ahead with the last hour, just wondering if the meat should be falling off so much after the 2nd stage?

Actually, after leaving them on for the final round for an hour they were pretty good. Nothing to chew on bone, however the taste was awesome. Used one small chunk of hickory and two chunks of Apple.

Thanks, next time will try 2-1-1?
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Roy, I've found that 2-2-1 for spares and SL spares will work but for BBs it's two long. I do 2-1-1/2-1 which seems to work out well. Hey if it tasted good it was good.
Welcome to the forum. Just remember BBQ and grilling is always a learning experience that's what keeps me in it, plus the great people on this forum.
If I remember correctly, the original 3-2-1 method was designed for a cooker temperature of 225°. 2 hours in foil at 250 would be too long.
Have to keep in mind the size as well. B.B. are about 2 lb so fairly small. You can also get back ribs that are about 3+ lb that are properly called Loin back ribs. They would be more suitable for the 2-2-1 smoke times. That extra pound does make a big difference.
Any chance the meat you used was enhanced? Referring to added water during processing, and sometimes other ingredients are added to pre tenderize as well, which all are added so as to reduce cooking time, tenderness....but when smoking these cuts if that's what you have to work with, you need to shorten overall cook time

I picked up a couple packages of enhanced spare ribs once unknowingly...they did not need the usual amount of cook time vs. the non enhanced spare ribs, weighing the same amount. IOW, fall off the bone when cooked using the normal requisite time
I do a 2-45mins-15mins at 275° for bb ribs. Just right. If ya like them falling of the bone more go a full hour in the foil.
I agree with shorter foil time. Also, if they don't fall apart I find that last chunk of time without foil will firm them back up slightly, at least on the surface.

