First smoke on WSM- Pork Butt w/pics


Mark Maral

TVWBB Member
First, after reading and reading and reading all the wise advice on here I took the plunge and did my first BBQ on my WSM. I had what was left of a pork butt after cutting off about 2.5lbs to make a dried coppa. So, I decided to try doing this butt on the WSM. I used regular K with a few chucks of apple wood. I went to the clay pot method for this first smoke. What I learned is that I really need to catch the temps earlier and shut down the vents. The temp got a little higher than I wanted, but in the end it all worked out ok and I learned something. I used Texas BBQ rub and an apple juice/apple cider baste via a squirt bottle. As tempting as it was I didn't look under the lid until I was into 7th hour. Total cooking time was 8.5hrs.
Thanks again,

Here are a few pics:



Nice job Mark!!

Next time you might want to take out your lower grate if your not using it.

A little less clean-up for your next cook.

Is that the lower cooking grate in there with no food on it? First smoke? I think not, even though that is the cleanest WSM I've seen lately. Nice work.
For a first time it looks great. Great note on catching the temps on the way up. Keep smoking and you will pick up more tips.
Thanks everyone. Couldn't have done it without the help from this forum.

Timothy, yeah I left the lower cooking grate in. I toyed with the idea of leaving it out, but didn't. Fortunately, I sprayed it with Pam and it came clean without too much effort, but I'll be taking your advice next time and remove the bottom grate when I only use the top grate - which will be today as I'm going to do some baby backs for dinner.

As for the temps, I was shooting for 250* but it got away from me and I ended up topping out at around 290*. Even after it went through 250 and shutting the vents down it still got up to 290, but it gradually did start to come down, but I learned something about temp control.
I think I reacted too quickly when it appeared the temp stalled a bit at 200 and opened up a vent which was a mistake. Should of left the vents alone.

The total cook time was 8.5hrs for this 5lb butt. I pulled it at an internal temp of 195. Let rest for 45 min and then pulled it. I used a little Jack Daniels original sauce that I had, heated and thinned with some water and drizzled over the meat

Thanks, mark
Thanks. It's getting dirtier - did ribs on Wed. They came out pretty good. Just used the basic beginner receipe. Wife and son both loved them.

Out of pork butt from this first cook so I'm headed off to Costco this weekend for the 2 pack and will do both of them on Sunday.

I'm hooked!


